1) Blended Families
Blended families consist of parents who are married or living together with someone of the opposite sex, and who
live with a child and/or stepchild from a previous relationship. N=879
64% female | 36% male
47 years old (average) | 18% are 35-39 years old | 45% are 40-49 years old
93% have children of their own | 61% have stepchildren
10% have 1 child/stepchild | 25% have 2 children/stepchildren
65% have 3+ children/stepchildren
Ages of children
37% 0-8 years | 31% 9-12 years | 50% 13-17 years | 30% 18-20 years | 56% 21+ years
Family in household
85% live full-time with their own children | 33% live with stepchildren
20% live with extended family (12% parent/stepparent/in-laws, 7% grandchildren)
81% Non-Hispanic white | 8% Non-Hispanic Black | 8% Hispanic
Marital history
66% married before | 35% separated/widowed/divorced 5-10 years ago
32% more than 10 years ago
76% employed (59% employed full-time)
83% of spouses/significant others employed (70% employed full-time)
5% are retired
Expect to retire: 26% before age 65 | 36% age 65-69 | 21% age 70+ | 17% never
45% some college/VoTech or AA degree
41% college degree (26% BA/BS degree, 10% graduate/postgraduate degree)
$93,600 average annual household income before taxes (58% earn $75,000+)
$158,600 average household savings and investable assets
$157,800 average retirement savings (6% with $500,000 or more)
17% could last one year or more if the main breadwinner(s) lost source of income
$30,660 average debt (not including mortgage)
24% more than half of monthly pre-tax income going to debt payments (including mortgage)
42% are comfortable with the amount of household debt
Financial products
65% own life insurance | 28% have a pension | 9% own an annuity
Financial advisor
38% have ever used a financial advisor | 21% currently have a financial advisor
Over the past 40 years, shifting demographics and profound attitudinal changes have helped redefine the concept
of family for many Americans. To understand how this evolving family structure is changing Americans’ relationship
with money and financial planning, Allianz commissioned the Allianz LoveFamilyMoney Study, 2014.
Find more information on the LoveFamilyMoney
study at www.LoveFamilyMoney.com.