1) January 2015
Below is the latest commentary from Pacific Life Fund Advisors, the investment advisor to the Pacific Funds.
The Ripple Effect of the Oil Plunge
Oil’s rapid drop in the fourth quarter of 2014, which erased
more than 40% of the future contract’s value1, took nearly
everyone by surprise. The reasons, ramifications, and duration
of the plunge have been dominating debates between investors
and are sure to play a key role in policy decisions of central
bankers in the year ahead. In this article, we will cover what
may have led to the collapse of oil prices, what the possible
impact on global economies and asset classes may be, and
hypothesize as to when oil prices may begin to recover.
“ hoever controls oil controls
much more than oil.”
– John McCain, June 20082
Key Takeaways
â—¾ he plunge in oil prices is shaping up to be
one of the key themes for both investors
and policymakers as we head into 2015.
A Game of Chicken
Explanations of plummeting oil prices have included some
colorful conjecture. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro
remarked that Western nations, led by the U.S., are seeking
“to destroy Russia as well as Venezuela, to try to re-colonize
and destroy our revolution, and cause economic collapse.”3
Others believe that Saudi Arabia’s refusal to cut production
on November 27, 2014 was their attempt to starve U.S. shale
producers before they become an even greater danger to the
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC)
weakening hold on energy markets. While there may be some
validity to these theories, we believe that rather than an oil war,
producers are engaged in a game of chicken—with nobody willing
to reign in rising production that is outpacing global demand.
â—¾ he shale revolution in the U.S. has created
an overabundance of supply.
â—¾ ajor oil producers are either unwilling
or unable to cut production.
â—¾ he impact of lower oil prices should be generally
positive for global equities and countries that
are net energy importers, but it poses a risk
to energy exporters as well as high-yield and
inflation-linked debt.
â—¾ he economic “invisible hand” will eventually
force oil supply and demand to meet at a new
equilibrium price.
Figure 1: Total Global Oil Supply and Demand
World Oil Demand
World Oil Supply
Millions Barrels/Day
Source: International Energy Agency, September 2014.
“McCain’s Energy and Climate Speech.” The New York Times,
6/1/08, accessed 1/5/15, NYTimes.com.
Maduro: Venezuelan Oil Is Trading at USD 48 per Barrel.”
EL UNIVERSAL. El Universal, 29 Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2015.
No bank guarantee • Not a deposit • May lose value
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2) January 2015
There are several reasons why growth in demand for oil
has been decelerating, from China’s economic slowdown
to a lower reliance on fossil fuels among developed nations.
However, momentum on the supply side of the equation
has steadily been increasing. For this, the U.S. is indeed
responsible. The reason for this expansion isn’t rooted in
a conspiracy theory, but rather in rapid advancements of
hydraulic fracturing technology that have reduced well
drilling start-up costs and improved extraction efficiency.
This motivated numerous independent operators to jump
into the fracking fray. These smaller producers have no
incentive to scale back; doing so would hurt their profits
while having no meaningful impact on oil prices. Moreover,
for many domestic shale operators, the break-even cost of
production is around $424 (per barrel), which means they
are still profitable, albeit much less so than earlier in 2014.
Saudi Arabia has historically been the “swing producer”—
cutting its output to boost global oil prices. However, given
its declining market share and abundant cash reserves to
fall back on, Saudi Arabia no longer wants to be the martyr,
especially as its actions would equally benefit members of the
cartel and non-OPEC producers. “Whether [oil] goes down
to $20 a barrel is irrelevant,”5 said the Saudi oil minister in
December 2014—reaffirming their decision to let someone
else take the hit this time around. And thus, this game of
chicken continues for the time being.
A Gift or a Curse?
The Effects of Lower Oil Prices
Some impacts of lower oil prices are fairly intuitive. For
example, industries that rely on oil or one of its derivatives
as an input, like airlines and shippers, stand to gain through
margin expansion. Conversely, drilling and exploration firms
have seen their margins go from a geyser to a trickle.
Figure 2: Growth in Oil Supply
(Index = 100 on 12/31/04)
Source: Bloomberg, U.S. Department of Energy, September 2014.
Most other producers have far higher break-even levels, but
they are either unwilling or unable to pump the brakes. Russia
needs all the revenue it can get given the downward spiral of
its economy and its ongoing conflict with Ukraine that has
resulted in sanctions, which curtail Russia’s access to capital
markets. Furthermore, turning off Siberian wells is impractical
during the dead of winter.
Speaking more broadly, at the asset class level, world equities
should benefit from less expensive oil. Energy firms make
up approximately 8% of the MSCI World Index, while the
Consumer and Industrial sectors (both of which could profit
from lower oil prices) represent a combined 33% of the index.
The outlook is less optimistic for fixed-income securities.
In particular, domestic high-yield bonds have a significant
exposure to the Energy sector because many of the independent
energy firms mentioned earlier issued debt to raise financing
required for their capital-intensive shale projects. As 7% of that
debt is scheduled to mature over the next few years, default
risk is elevated as long as issuers’ margins remain tight due to
lower oil prices.
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are also highly
sensitive to oil price fluctuations since gasoline prices are a
major contributor to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is
used to adjust the principal (and thus the dollar coupon payout)
of TIPS. In its November 2014 CPI report, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics noted that gasoline prices were “the main cause of
the decrease in the seasonally adjusted all items index.”6
Oil Market Report: 14 November 2014.” IEA. International Energy Agency, 14 Nov. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2015.
OPEC Will Not Cut Output Even at $20 a Barrel: Saudi.” Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 23 Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2015.
.S. Department Of Labor. Ed. Malik Crawford, Jonathan Church, and Bradley Akin. “CPI Detailed Report: Data for November 2014.”
Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor, 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.
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3) January 2015
Broadening our focus even more to the country level, lower
oil prices may either grease or throw a wrench in the wheels
of each nation’s economic recovery. For the U.S., the overall
impact is somewhat ambiguous. The aforementioned lower
gasoline prices at the pump should promote increased
discretionary spending, which would boost economic growth.
A caveat to this theory is that U.S. consumers have been
aggressively reducing their fossil fuel dependence, and thus
their disposable income may not get as big of a bump from
lower gasoline prices. A clearer winner is Japan, a significant
importer of crude oil and exporter of autos. Additionally,
both the Japanese and European central banks may see the
deflationary impact of falling oil prices as another impetus to
ramp up their stimulus measures, which would give further
steam to their respective economic recoveries.
Figure 3: Reduction in Domestic Gasoline Demand
U.S. Total Gasoline Retail Sales by Refiners (Thousand Gallons per Day)
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, released January 2, 2015.
The impact to emerging market (EM) nations is largely a
question of whether they are net oil importers or exporters.
Much like Japan, Asian EM economies are net importers and
may therefore benefit from lower oil prices. However, the
outlook is grim for energy producers, with Russia being the
most visible victim given that oil is its biggest export. Russia’s
finance minister expects the country’s economy to contract
4% in 2015 and its cash reserves to be depleted within three
years if oil stays below $60 per barrel.7 Latin American
exporters, such as Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia, may
also see their economies take a significant hit if oil prices
don’t recover early this year.
Self-Correcting Economics of Oil
The economic “invisible hand” is a powerful force in correcting
supply-and-demand imbalances, and it is often the only one
that can effectively mitigate issues that span multiple nations.
Lower fuel prices can tempt consumers with elastic demand
curves. For example, an airline may increase its flight count and
a freight company may put more trucks on the road. We would
expect the effect of lower oil prices to have the opposite
impact on energy producers.
We believe lower oil prices should reduce capital expenditures
for energy firms, especially with the previously mentioned
debts coming due, leading to a stall in the supply growth that
has been accelerating over the past few years. Additionally,
smaller producers without the financial resources of Saudi
Arabia, and whose break-even price is far above current
levels, will likely be forced to cease production. Thus, with
suppliers scaling back while consumer demand continues to
rise, oil prices should be pushed up to new equilibrium levels.
In a world that is becoming ever more interdependent,
investors should be aware of how a change in one factor,
such as lower oil prices, can have profound ripple effects on
global economies, companies, and their securities. To help
lessen the impact of these ripples on a portfolio, investors
should consider employing a strategy of diversification. It
can help reduce volatility so that your portfolio can better
withstand the rapidly shifting tides of various market regimes.
anas, Olga, Andrey Biryukov, and Anna Andrianova. “Russia May Burn Wealth Funds in 3 Years Without Cuts.” Bloomberg.com.
Bloomberg, 27 Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Jan. 2015.
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4) January 2015
The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the
equity market performance of developed markets. The MSCI World Index consists of the following 23 developed market
country indexes: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the
United States.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for a
market basket of consumer goods and services as determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) are treasury securities that are indexed to inflation in order to protect
investors from the negative effects of inflation.
About Pacific Life Fund Advisors
Established in 2007, Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC (PLFA) provides multi-asset and balanced allocation solutions through its
asset allocation, manager research, and investment risk management functionalities. PLFA is an SEC-registered investment
adviser and a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Life Insurance Company (Pacific Life). As of December 31, 2014, PLFA managed
approximately $43 billion in total assets.
A publication provided by Pacific Funds. These views represent the opinions of Pacific Life Fund Advisors and are presented for
informational purposes only. These views should not be construed as investment advice, the offer or sale of any investment, or
to predict performance of any investment. All material is compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be
guaranteed. The opinions expressed herein are based on current market conditions, are as of December 2014, and are subject
to change without notice.
All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.
You should carefully consider an investment’s goals, risks, charges, strategies, and expenses. This and other information
about Pacific Funds are in the prospectus available from your financial advisor or by calling (800) 722-2333, option 2.
Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC (PLFA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Life Insurance Company, is the investment advisor to the Pacific Funds
(PF) and the manager of certain PF funds. PLFA also does business under the name Pacific Asset Management and manages certain PF funds under
that name.
Mutual funds are offered by Pacific Funds and are distributed by Pacific Select Distributors, LLC (member FINRA & SIPC), a subsidiary of
Pacific Life Insurance Company (Newport Beach, CA), and are available through licensed third-party broker/dealers.
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Mailing address:
P.O. Box 9768, Providence, RI 02940-9768
(800) 722-2333, Option 2 • www.PacificFunds.com
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