108th NASBA Annual Meeting (2015) - Advancing Diversity - October 2015

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1) Advancing Diversity Alfonzo Alexander – Moderator Panelists: Susan M. Cosper, Kim Drumgo, Bernard Milano, CPA, Tyrone Dickerson, CPA

2) “Advancing Diversity” Kim Drumgo, Director of Diversity and Inclusion October 26, 2015 American Institute of CPAs®

3) The Vision of the National Commission Creating a seamless handoff from the pipeline to the profession The Pipeline The Profession Cultivating the interest in young students who see the accounting profession as a viable option early in their career decision making process Creating an inclusive profession where individuals from all backgrounds can realize a successful and rewarding career American Institute of CPAs® ® 3

4) Formulating Profession-wide Goals The Students The Firms The Professionals Increase the number of students who enroll in accounting and who graduate. Increase the number of firms to positively affirm that they have a diversity program. Increase the number of URMs who sit for the exam and who obtain their CPA. American Institute of CPAs® ® 4

5) The Student American Institute of CPAs® 5

6) THE PIPELINE PROJECT VISION Develop a … profession-wide and profession funded effort that increases the number of underrepresented minorities entering the accounting profession. American Institute of CPAs® 6

7) Major Initiatives of the Diversity Pipeline Project Increase support of school based programs for students pursuing accounting Increase communication and awareness in diverse communities American Institute of CPAs® ® Increase the number of underrepresented minorities who sit and pass the CPA exam 7

8) Resources for Accounting Students American Institute of CPAs® 8

9) The Professional American Institute of CPAs® 9

10) Profession Campaign Overview American Institute of CPAs® 10

11) Profession Campaign Overview American Institute of CPAs® 11

12) The Firm American Institute of CPAs® 12

13) Resources to Assist Firm D&I Efforts Organizational Assessment American Institute of CPAs® Recruitment and Retention Toolkit ® Inclusion Solutions 13

14) PLAYhttp://bcove.me/uj479mju VIDEO American Institute of CPAs® ® 14

15) Thank you! American Institute of CPAs®

16) THE PhD PROJECT “Developing & Attracting Diverse Faculty Bernard J. Milano President, KPMG Foundation & The PhD Project NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 16

17) It’s all about the numbers… 1.3% 25,000 98.7% 294 30,000 1.2% 80 98.8% 4.3% 95.7% 21% 1,299 79% 1,500 23 NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 17

18) $25,000 NASBA’s Annual Investment in The PhD Project. 294 The number of minority business faculty in the U.S. when The PhD Project started in 1994. 1.2% Percentage of underrepresented minority business faculty in 1994. 98.8% 1,299 Percentage of non-minority business faculty in 1994. The number of minority business faculty in the U.S. today! NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 18

19) 30,000 Total number of faculty in U.S. business schools. 4.3% Percentage of underrepresented minority business faculty TODAY. 95.7% Percentage of non-minority business faculty TODAY. 1,500 Majority Schools of Business. 23 Number of minority Deans at majority schools. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 19

20) 1.3% Percentage of Minority Deans at Majority Business Schools. 98.7% Percentage of Non-Minority Deans at Majority Business Schools. 80 21% 79% Number of HBCU Business Schools. Percentage of African American Deans at HBCU Business Schools. Percentage of Non-African American Deans at HBCU Business Schools. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 20

21) “We cannot tolerate a future in which both white and minority children are confronted with almost exclusively white authority figures in their schools.” Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, 1986 NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 21

22) The PhD Project creates diverse faculty in business schools of universities “To go to a school and see successful people that look just like me, that was my greatest factor for me to go to a historically black college. To know that people who look just like me can be just as successful as people who don’t look like us.” Quote taken from an African-American student attending an HBCU The goal of The PhD Project is for students in all universities, not just minority serving institutions, to have professors who look like them. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 22

23) Diverse faculty ensure student success “Over the years, studying this problem of underperformance has morphed into solving the diversity problem. It’s one thing to numerically integrate a setting. It’s another thing to make that place a place where everyone feels comfortable and can flourish.” Dr. Claude Steele Provost, University of California - Berkeley This is taken from Dr. Steele’s groundbreaking research on stereotypes and identity and the role that they play in academic achievement and underachievement among underrepresented minorities. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 23

24) Diverse faculty attract diverse students “A diverse faculty is a magnet for a diverse student population.” Dr. Nancy Zimpher Chancellor, State of New York System NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 24

25) The PhD Project Story 1994* 2015 Minority Business Faculty At U.S. Business Schools 294 1,299 Minority Doctoral Students At U.S. Business Schools <175 309 * The year that The PhD Project was initiated. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 25

26) Our Approach 97% of our Ph.D.’s remain in academia The PhD Project Doctoral Students Association Conferences: Encourage minority doctoral students resulting in 92% completion rate The PhD Project Annual Conference: Attract and inform potential minority doctoral students about a career as a business school professor. This approach has led to a 338% increase in minority faculty in 21 years! NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 26

27) The PhD Project • KPMG Foundation • Graduate Management Admission Council • AICPA Foundation • Citi Foundation • AACSB International • DiversityInc • Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP • Rockwell Collins • Wal-Mart Stores • John Deere Foundation • American Marketing Association • • • • • • • • • Funding Provided By: CIGNA ADP Lincoln Financial Group Edison International (on behalf of the California State University System) American Accounting Association Aerotek & TEKsystems (operating companies of Allegis Group) The Hershey Company Academy of Management NASBA Each of these Sponsors provides a minimum of $25,000 per year. And, over 300 Universities provide additional financial support in excess of $700,000. *Founders NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015 27

28) The PhD Project is creating role models and mentors to improve student success and develop the next generation of minority business leaders. NASBA Annual Meeting - Dana Point, CA October 26, 2015


30) Strategic Issues Boards of Accountancy

31) Progress on Diversity Diversity Committee Charge “Develop a diversity program that ensures the NASBA culture is open and inclusive of women and minorities, and provides opportunities for service and leadership.”

32) Progress on Diversity Initiatives • Bi-annual diversity survey of the Boards of Accountancy • Keep diversity & inclusion as a top-of-mind issue for NASBA leadership and committees • Leverage media opportunities to reinforce the diversity message • Utilize NSABA staff contact with the Boards to communicate the value of diversity among the Boards • Evaluate opportunities to promote diversity among regulators through digital media • Engage ethnic and women’s professional groups to promote board service • Use opportunities at NASBA meetings to promote diversity to NASBA membership

33) Progress on Diversity Activities • Breakout sessions at NASBA meetings (ED Conference) • Leadership attended National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Annual Conference in June • Meeting with The PH.D. Project leadership • Bi-annual Diversity Survey completed • NASBA Annual Meeting panel

34) Progress on Diversity Have things changed?

35) Progress on Diversity Have things changed? Firms1 Professional Staff vs Partners at CPA Firms Ethnicity 1. From the 2015 TRENDS Report, Copyright AICPA

36) Progress on Diversity Have things changed? Firms1 Professional Staff vs Partners at CPA Firms Gender 1. From the 2015 TRENDS Report, Copyright AICPA

37) Progress on Diversity Have things changed? Boards of Accountancy Ethnicity Gender

38) Progress on Diversity Conclusions & Next Steps • Slow process – but slow change is still change! • Must stay focused • Seek high quality candidates for Board service and leadership at NASBA • Advocate for diversity and inclusion among the Boards • Do NOT become complacent

39) Progress on Diversity Questions? Contact Tyrone E. Dickerson, CPA Email: t5dcpa@verizon.net