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1) Gender Lens Investing Overview WHO WE ARE Founded in 1998, Community Capital Management (CCM) specializes in managing fixed income Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)/impact investing portfolios. To date, CCM has $2 billion in assets and has invested over $6.7 billion in ESG/impact initiatives nationwide on behalf of its clients. CCM’S GENDER LENS INVESTING OVERVIEW Appropriate for: institutional and high net worth investors focused on improving the lives of women and girls CCM has been buying bonds that finance community development initiatives since 1999. This approach is proactive, positive and does not employ any negative screening. Community development initiatives include: • • • • Affordable Housing Enterprise Development Redevelopment of Blighted Communities Environmental Sustainability • • • • Affordable Healthcare Education/Child Welfare Healthy Communities Disaster Recovery Many of our investments in the categories mentioned above benefit women and girls. CCM’s positive fixed income impact investing strategy provides investors an opportunity to target specific impact themes such as gender lens investing and help women and girls better their lives. “Gender lens investing is an approach to encouraging improved gender-based outcomes by increasing access to finance and resources for institutions/industries that are/tend to be (1) womenowned and managed, (2) implementing organizational policies and practices that advance gender equality, and/or (3) provide products or services specifically tailored to the needs and impact on women and girls as a consumer segment. The field of gender lens investing believes in the power of investments to generate large-scale social and financial returns when gender analysis is integrated into financial analysis and decisionmaking.” -United States Agency International Development (USAID) CCM’S ADVANTAGE CCM actively manages bond portfolios that seek to provide investors with aboveaverage, risk-adjusted returns while financing community development initiatives. A benefit is the ability for investors to customize their bond portfolio to positively align with their social areas(s) of focus or geographies. We believe our approach provides an added layer of investment transparency by detailing the use of bond proceeds and providing comprehensive reports on the community initiatives being financed. Many of our community investments have multiple components and benefits such as affordable housing, job creation, childcare, and neighborhood revitalization. GETTING STARTED CCM manages bond portfolios within two investment vehicles: separately managed accounts (minimum: $10 million) and a mutual fund (minimums vary per share class). For investments over $500,000 in the institutional share class of the mutual fund and for all separate accounts, quarterly impact reports are provided detailing, dollar for dollar, the community development initiative and benefit for each investment earmarked. Community Capital Management Gender Lens Investing Overview p1

2) CCM BOND EXAMPLES WITH A FOCUS ON GENDER LENS McCullough Girls Academy, Gary, Indiana Conceived by the Administration of the Gary Community School Corporation, the Frankie Woods McCullough Academy for Girls opened in 2012. The building was formerly an elementary school that received $10 million of renovations including three new computer labs, updated and advanced science lab stations, and updated lighting inside and outside the building. In 2013, the Academy served 440 girls in grades Kindergarten through 7. The students are primarily of African-American descent and approximately 85% are on free or reduced lunch. The school holds high expectations that each student will: • have a successful transition to middle school; • develop and/or maintain a positive self-image, a strong academic foundation, employability skills; and • create an awareness of professional and career options. In addition, each student will strive to be productive, responsible, and caring citizen in a diverse, global and technological world through an accelerated and enriched differentiated curriculum for academically advanced students. The Lakes of Williamsberg, Grapevine, Texas The Lakes of Williamsberg is an affordable rental property that was allocated Low Income Housing Tax Credits where 100% of the 221 units are restricted to residents with incomes at or below 60% of area median income. The project is subject to an extended use agreement requiring affordability for an additional 15 years beyond the initial 15 year compliance period. Throughout the compliance period, a “qualified nonprofit organization” shall own an interest in the project and materially participate in the development and operation of the project. The project shall provide supportive services in the area of domestic violence counseling by Women’s Haven of Tarrant County, or another comparable service agency. In addition, 5% of the units shall be maintained accessible for residents with physical or mental disabilities. Community amenities including a business center, partnership with Grapevine community outreach program, a fitness center, library and onsite community center. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CCM’S GENDER LENS INVESTING, PLEASE CONTACT: James Malone, CFA Director of Investment Platforms jmalone@ccmfixedincome.com 877-272-1977 Community Capital Management, Inc. is a Florida-based investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The securities identified and described herein are current holdings and for illustrative purposes. Their selection was based upon nonperformance criteria, such as the security’s social and/or environmental attributes. Impact figures mentioned in this report are approximate values. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Market conditions can vary widely over time and can result in a loss of portfolio value. Community Capital Management Gender Lens Investing Overview p2