1) Complying with AML Laws: Challenges
for the Fintech Industry
April 5, 2016 By Jodi Avergun and Colleen Kukowski
“Silicon Valley is coming. There are hundreds of startups
with a lot of brains and money working on various
alternatives to traditional banking.”
This warning came not from a pundit or Silicon Valley lobbyist, but from Jamie Dimon, the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co. New technology in the
financial industry is changing how people manage their finances. This merger of financial
services with technology, referred to as “fintech,” is a booming industry. In 2014 alone,
technology-focused venture capital firms invested $12.2 billion in fintech startups, a threefold
increase over the previous year. Startups are not the only companies racing to join the industry.
Heavyweights in the financial services industry, such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs,
are also adopting fintech services such as peer-to-peer payments and same-day approval of small
business loans.
2) But if Silicon Valley is coming, so is the government. A major challenge to the growing fintech
industry comes from government scrutiny and enforcement actions – particularly as they relate to
money laundering and the financing of terrorist activity. Since government scrutiny is a likely
reality, this article urges fintech companies to be aware of their anti-money laundering
obligations and the challenges that they face in designing a robust AML compliance program
sufficient to satisfy regulators.
How Does Fintech Work?
Most fintech transactions occur through an application on a smartphone or company website and
are completed on an accelerated timetable. Fintech companies’ offerings vary, but include the
following categories of services:
Mobile Payment Systems and Digital Wallets: Mobile payment and digital wallet apps, such
as Venmo, allow users to store, send and receive funds from their account on the app. Users
open an account with the app and have the option of linking their credit card or bank account to
their Venmo account. Users can then transfer funds from their app account to another app user’s
account. When one user transfers money to another user’s account, the recipient can choose to
either store those funds in his/her app account for future payments, or transfer those funds to the
linked credit card or bank account.
Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer: Peer-to-peer money transfer companies, such as TransferWise,
use peer-to-peer technology to avoid bank fees charged for sending money overseas. If a user
wants to transfer money from the U.S. to Europe, for example, the company finds a user who is
seeking to transfer money in the opposite direction (Europe to the U.S.), and then makes the
transfers from the local euro or dollar accounts, so that no currency crosses a border. Peer-topeer money transfer systems are the high tech equivalent of the ancient Islamic hawala money
transfer system, which transfers money without actually moving it across borders.
Online Marketplace Lending: Companies that offer online marketplace lending use online
platforms to lend either directly or indirectly to small businesses and consumers. Companies
operating in this industry tend to fall into three categories:
Balance sheet lenders that originate loans for borrowers (for example, OnDeck);
Bank-affiliated online lenders that originate loans for borrowers; and
Peer-to-peer lenders that sell securities to obtain the financing to enable third parties to
fund borrowers (for example, Lending Club).
Scrutiny of and Potential Action Against Fintech Companies
The anonymity and speed of fintech services raise the risk that terrorists and criminals will
exploit fintech to support their illicit activity. As a result, fintech companies should expect and
be prepared for government scrutiny of their compliance with AML laws.
3) For example, when the Paris attacks aroused suspicions that ISIS is using fintech, European
Union ministers agreed to strengthen controls on payment methods that can be conducted
anonymously. Domestically, it appears that a $28,500 loan from peer-to-peer lender Prosper to
the San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook may have helped Farook pay for ammunition,
pipe bomb components and target practice at local gun ranges. Even if Prosper and its thirdparty lender, WebBank, committed no wrongdoing, regulators will seek assurance that online
lenders and other fintech companies are fully complying with AML laws designed to prevent and
detect illicit transaction.
The recent Liberty Reserve prosecutions may also prompt regulators to examine fintech
companies’ compliance with AML laws. Liberty Reserve was an online payment processor and
digital currency system that was closed in 2013. In January 2016, Liberty Reserve’s co-founder
pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy and acknowledged that Liberty Reserve was
“susceptible” to being used for criminal activity. The indictment against Liberty Reserve, which
is still pending, alleges that “unlike traditional banks or legitimate online payment processors,
Liberty Reserve did not require users to validate their identity information, such as by providing
official identification documents or a credit card,” which made Liberty Reserve Transactions
anonymous and untraceable. Consequently, the government alleges, the merchants who accepted
Liberty Reserve payments included computer hackers, unregulated gambling businesses, drug
dealing websites, and traffickers of stolen credit card data and personal identity information.
AML Regulations That Apply to Fintech Companies
Even though fintech services vary greatly from traditional financial services, many are subject to
the same AML regulations as other financial institutions. For example, because digital wallets,
mobile payment systems, and peer-to-peer transfer systems are all money service businesses
(“MSBs”), they are subject to the Bank Secrecy Act’s (“BSA”) reporting and compliance
requirements. Specifically, MSBs are required to: (1) register with the Treasury Department; (2)
develop an effective AML program; (3) file Currency Transaction Reports for transactions that
exceed $10,000; and (4) file Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”) when the company knows,
suspects, or has reason to suspect that a transaction may involve money laundering or other illicit
activity. Furthermore, Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act requires that financial institutions
4) have customer identification programs in place and maintain related customer due diligence
standards, referred to as “know your customer” (“KYC”).
These regulations are robust. An AML compliance program must be in writing and must
provide: (1) a system of internal controls to ensure ongoing compliance (which includes
verifying customer identification); (2) independent testing for compliance; (3) an individual
designated as responsible for coordinating and monitoring day-to-day compliance; and (4)
training for appropriate personnel. Fintech MSBs must also make and retain records for any
fund transmissions amounting to $3,000 or more.
AML Challenges for the Fintech Industry
To comply with the law – and to ensure that their services are not exploited by bad actors –
companies offering fintech services must know how to comply with AML regulations, as well as
how to avoid common pitfalls in fintech compliance programs. Detailed below are just a few of
the challenges that fintech companies face in complying with AML regulations:
Fintech companies need to have operational AML programs as soon as their
business opens. Fintech companies are required to have robust AML programs that are
fully operational when they begin offering financial services. However, because many
fintech companies start small and grow over time, there may be a gap between when a
company first offers financial services and when its compliance program is fully
running. As a result, financial transactions may go unmonitored, and companies may
unwittingly operate without complying with all regulations, and thus may be vulnerable
to prosecution or enforcement action.
For example, in May 2015, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) assessed a
$700,000 civil money penalty against Ripple Labs, a digital currency operator, for its failure to
register as an MSB and its failure to implement and maintain an adequate AML program.
Although Ripple Labs began selling digital currency in August 2013, it did not fully implement
its AML compliance program until nearly a year after it began its sales. During that year, Ripple
Labs engaged in a series of transactions for which it failed to generate the required SARs.
Rapidly growing fintech companies need to ensure that
their compliance program grows in scale with their
business. Once a fintech company has established an AML
compliance program, the AML compliance program may not
keep pace with the company’s business. For example, an
effective AML program requires conducting KYC due
diligence. A fintech startup may conduct adequate KYCs on
the company’s initial customer base; however, the KYC
process may be overwhelmed as the company grows and
attracts larger volumes of customers from diverse
backgrounds and locations. Similar problems may arise in
generating SARs and satisfying other reporting requirements
5) as transactions taking place across an app increase rapidly over a year.
As Bruce Wallace, chief digital officer of Silicon Valley Bank Financial Group, recently
“Banks have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of employees
committed to compliance functions. Just think for a moment
of a startup with five or six employees, mostly engineers,
who now have to navigate the landscape of a highly
complex regulatory environment. In many cases, it’s not as
simple as ‘if your fintech company does X’ then you simply
put this specific program in place. They have to spend a lot
of cycles figuring out what they need to be in compliance
with and then build and institutionalize their program.”
Anonymous payments should not be permitted for any transaction, regardless of
amount. Financial institutions are required to verify a customer’s identity. Given that
anonymous payments were the focal point of the Liberty Reserve prosecutions, and
attracted the scrutiny of European regulators after the Paris attacks, fintech companies
should be wary of allowing users to process any payments without verifying their
identities – regardless of transaction limits. Some fintech companies currently allow
users to complete low-valued transactions (for example, $299.99 or less) without
requiring the users to verify their identities. Fintech companies need to consider the
possibility of conducting KYC procedures on all users, no matter how small the amount
of the transaction. For example, the 2004 Madrid bombers used the sales of Moroccan
hashish to support their terrorist attacks. Similar payments for drugs, so long as they fall
under the $300 transaction limit, can still occur anonymously on some mobile payment
and digital wallet systems. When multiple small payments are layered or aggregated,
terrorists (or other criminals) have the means to finance low-cost attacks such as those in
Paris and San Bernardino. Undoubtedly alert to this threat, regulators are not likely to
hesitate to take action against fintech companies that allow the threat to persist.
Peer-to-peer lending companies need to implement fully operational AML programs
whether they are subject to the BSA regulations or not. The recent scrutiny of
Prosper’s loan to San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook confirms the importance
of peer-to-peer lending companies having full AML programs in place. Because the
banks that originate their loans bear full responsibility for complying with the BSA’s
AML requirements, peer-to-peer lending companies may not have the same incentives to
ensure that they are adequately detecting, reporting and preventing money laundering or
terrorist financing. Nevertheless, peer-to-peer lenders cannot take a laissezfaire approach to putting adequate KYCs in place. Although a peer-to-peer lender may
not be liable for failing to comply with the BSA, it can still suffer reputational damage if
a loan made to a customer is implicated in a terrorist or criminal scheme.
6) Conclusion
As the fintech industry transforms traditional banking practices, it falls under enhanced
government scrutiny. Without a thorough AML compliance program in place, fintech companies
risk damage to their reputation and the loss of investor and customer confidence in their
business. In order to continue growing without the risk of not complying with AML laws,
fintech companies – and the financial institutions that partner with them – must know the AML
requirements that apply to their business, identify potential weaknesses within their AML
compliance programs, and implement gold standard AML compliance programs.
Jodi L. Avergun is a partner at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
LLP in Washington. Her practice focuses on representing financial
institutions, corporations and individuals in criminal and regulatory
matters involving, among other things, the FCPA, securities
enforcement, anti-money laundering, health care, and general white
collar matters. Prior to joining Cadwalader, Jodi spent 17 years as a
federal prosecutor with the United States Attorney’s Office for the
Eastern District of New York and with the Criminal Division of the
Department of Justice.
Colleen D. Kukowski focuses her practice on white collar criminal
defense and compliance issues. She advises clients in a variety of
criminal and regulatory matters, concentrating primarily on
international corruption and internal corporate investigations. Prior to
joining Cadwalader, Colleen served as an intelligence analyst in the
Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Counterterrorism Division, where
she supported top priority terrorism investigations and worked
extensively with Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)