ReMetrica - Aon Benfield Analytics - Delivering your complete risk and capital modelling experience

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1) Aon Benfield ReMetrica Delivering your complete risk and capital modelling experience Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources.

2) Discover Strength in Numbers In a world of increasing commercial and regulatory pressures, the actuary’s role is growing in importance. Aon Benfield’s ReMetrica® risk and economic capital modelling tool enables actuaries to transform insurers’ data to identify the optimal financial strategy and make important business decisions with confidence. ReMetrica is designed to allow global insurers, reinsurers, consultants, captives and regulators to bring insightful, risk-based financial modelling to the forefront of strategic decision making. Insurance and reinsurance professionals use ReMetrica for many different areas of decision making, including: Reinsurance strategy Reinsurance pricing Capital allocation Strategic business decisions Business planning Which reinsurance should I buy? What price should I pay for a particular product? How profitable are my Is my portfolio balanced? How much should I retain? How will this vary if the parameters change? How can I grow the business without taking on too much risk? various business lines based on the cost of capital and risk? How can it be improved? Can I improve my investment strategy? Key Features Unparalleled User Support Unique functionality to enhance your ReMetrica experience: When you choose ReMetrica, you receive customised training and support provided by our team of qualified experts. In addition to dedicated email and telephone support, users have access to a website which includes service packs, add-ins, technical papers and frequently asked questions. There are also annual conferences and workshops in the US, London and Tokyo for users to build their technical knowledge, network and discover ReMetrica’s latest enhancements. • An easy-to-use graphical user interface, enabling  models to be built efficiently and in a transparent manner without the need for specialist skills • A comprehensive library of advanced insurance,  reinsurance, investment, reporting and statistical components • Built-in support for Microsoft Visual Basic  Applications ™ offering full flexibility for implementing custom model logic “Less time creating models and more time making decisions.” • An embedded Excel interface, allowing for  intuitive input and output management and seamless interaction with the model Simple user interface Flexible reporting Complete transparency Component library ReMetrica

3) ReMetrica Editions There are a number of levels to the ReMetrica product to suit the differing needs of our clients. Pricing Entry level light version geared for reinsurance pricing Runtime Read-only edition available for companies when a model has been built by a third party Professional Complete product allowing companies to carry out full capital and risk modelling Enterprise Additional features allow the largest companies to carry out their modelling tasks TeamCentre Based on Enterprise Edition, it includes advanced tools for model and data management ReMetrica for Life, Health and Pensions Life insurers, reinsurers and pension funds are being driven by regulations, rating agencies and shareholders to develop a stochastic view of their key risks rather than traditional scenario-based modelling. In response, Aon Benfield has launched a suite of new components within ReMetrica to provide a fully stochastic framework that evaluates the key risks of long term products and their uncertainties, plus how these risks may be mitigated through reinsurance and capital markets solutions. Holistic Solution Aon Benfield has undertaken extensive development to bring the best of ReMetrica’s stochastic modelling to its life, health and pensions clients. Its powerful modelling capabilities – which can also be set to deterministic mode – enable insurers to test a range of different strategies and scenarios for a variety of applications. It also provides a combined modelling solution for composite insurers. Key Benefits •  ffective evaluation of reinsurance structures: Assessment E of different reinsurance structures on a stochastic (notably for excess of loss) or deterministic basis. • Solvency II: We augment clients’ Solvency II infrastructure by using ReMetrica to model scenarios such as a blast at a sports stadium and to advise on reinsurance solutions that could reduce capital requirements. • Optimise capital requirements: Models a comprehensive  suite of life, health and pensions risks in order to optimise capital requirements. • Risk appetite: Gain insight into the benefit of reinsurance  with the ability to measure the volatility ceded. This will assist with work around risk appetite. •  tress testing functionalities: Improve understanding of S key risks and their sensitivities, including diversification benefits. • Transparency: The model allows the user to follow and  dissect inputs and outputs from any nominated scenario, as well as analysing simple interactions. Life, Health and Pensions Modelling Enhancements The ‘multi-state’ model concept for actuarial applications underpins the modelling for long term business and means that providers can map the journey of policyholders throughout their lives. Traditionally this has been used for health and disability but now ReMetrica can apply this to all lines of business including assurance and annuities. ReMetrica provides an intuitive modelling framework familiar to the actuary, while providing more transparency, granularity of data and accurate modelling options, such as incorporating the changes in the risk of death after the occurrence of a disease. All this is achieved through user-friendly, purpose-built components that do not require any programming.

4) The ReMetrica Family As commercial and regulatory demands continue to grow in scope and sophistication, customisable modelling solutions that can be integrated into wider enterprise systems are increasingly desirable. Built around the core software, the ReMetrica family includes our Actuarial Consultancy and Applications teams. These teams consist of experienced market practitioners to help you achieve your modelling objectives. ReMetrica Software Developing the core software ReMetrica Software ReMetrica Actuarial Consulting Actuarial modelling experts Model advisory, implementation and validation ReMetrica Actuarial Consulting London | Zurich | New York Training and support London | Singapore ReMetrica Applications ReMetrica Applications ReMetrica and data specialists PACE for reinsurer accumulation Portfolio Optimiser London | Singapore ReMetrica Actuarial Consulting Our team of actuarial consultants offers a full range of model advisory, implementation and validation services. Clients benefit from a broad knowledge of emerging market practices, regulatory requirements, modelling techniques and software implementation that deliver efficient and valuable modelling solutions. ReMetrica’s strong presence in the market also means that we are well placed to provide advice on all stages of the capital model evolution, based on our experience with a wide range of clients. Our unique market perspective ensures that each client receives the most appropriate advice and support along with a high level of quality assurance. “Our consultants’ wide market knowledge and depth of technical expertise will help you create the optimal modelling solution” ReMetrica Applications Our data experts and developers create specialist software based around the core ReMetrica product. Our solutions improve performance, productivity, capability and compliance though optimisation, integration, process automation and business application development. ReMetrica’s additional products and servers ReMetrica in the Cloud ReMetrica allows you to extend your current processing power by sending models to your own Virtual Private Cloud. ReMetrica in the Cloud uses the latest specification servers to build a processing grid on-demand for your model. This means you only pay for the processing power that is used. PACE Reinsurers look for opportunities to write new business while monitoring the aggregate catastrophe exposure across their portfolios. To help reinsurers make best use of their capital, PACE – Aon Benfield’s catastrophe accumulation platform – enables reinsurers to understand the marginal impact of programmes and in turn offer competitive rates to insurers. Portfolio Optimiser The Portfolio Optimiser provides analysis into the optimisation of risk and return of a portfolio using conditional value at risk (CVaR) measure. Portfolio Optimiser links the optimisation problem modelled within ReMetrica and allows users to define any linear optimisation problem. CRAFT CRAFT (the Curve for Risk Analysis Fitting Tool) allows you to fit statistical distributions to sample data. Being oriented at risk analysis, CRAFT is designed to fit bounded datasets, and includes an array of tools for analysing the fitted distributions from a risk analysis point of view. ASTRA ASTRA is an Excel-based Solvency II Standard Formula tool, developed by Aon in response to the demand for a simple, easy to use and cost effective solution to completing the standard formula calculation. ASTRA allows non-life insurance companies to complete the full solvency capital requirements (SCR) calculation and can also aggregate life risk charges into the total SCR.

5) Contacts For more information contact remetrica.support@aonbenfield.com 100 million 1,500 users in simulations run every day 200+ companies USD400 billion of capital modelled About Aon Benfield Aon Benfield, a division of Aon plc (NYSE: AON), is the world‘s advisory. Through our professionals’ expertise and experience, leading reinsurance intermediary and full-service capital we advise clients in making optimal capital choices that will advisor. We empower our clients to better understand, empower results and improve operational effectiveness for manage and transfer risk through innovative solutions and their business. With more than 80 offices in 50 countries, our personalized access to all forms of global reinsurance capital worldwide client base has access to the broadest portfolio of across treaty, facultative and capital markets. As a trusted integrated capital solutions and services. To learn how Aon advocate, we deliver local reach to the world‘s markets, an Benfield helps empower results, please visit aonbenfield.com. unparalleled investment in innovative analytics, including catastrophe management, actuarial and rating agency Aon Benfield Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. This document is intended for general information purposes only and should not be construed as advice or opinions on any specific facts or circumstances. This analysis is based upon information from sources we consider to be reliable, however Aon Benfield Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of the data or calculations herein. The content of this document is made available on an “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind. Aon Benfield Inc. disclaims any legal liability to any person or organization for loss or damage caused by or resulting from any reliance placed on that content. Members of Aon Benfield Analytics will be pleased to consult on any specific situations and to provide further information regarding the matters. ©