1) POINT of View
Fixing a Broken Model
How Recordkeepers and Sponsors can work together to repair the retirement industry by Barbara March
While many great people and organizations are
trying to solve America’s retirement challenge
through legislative and investment product means,
we at BridgePoint believe there is another part of the
equation that must be addressed in order to build a
healthy retirement system.
retirement industry will still be significantly
compromised. Why?
The Scale Challenge. The “scale challenge” as we
will call it, cannot solve America’s retirement crisis on
its own, but it is a contributing factor and is within the
immediate control of Sponsors, Advisors and
Recordkeepers. (Scale is defined as each
subsequent activity costing less and being produced
at a higher quality than the last activity).
The idea of scale enables service companies
to thrive on repetitive offerings. But achieving
scale in the Defined Contribution (DC) market,
while ideal in theory, is a challenge.
Recordkeepers have built their businesses on “just
saying yes,” and delivering customized service
variations for Sponsors. As a result, Sponsors have
become accustomed to having their specific requests
The fact, is having so many different service
variations doesn’t benefit Sponsors or
To achieve scale, there have to be fewer
variable choices so that both parties can focus
on what really matters: getting their
participants retirement ready.
Recordkeepers are currently selling their
services for less than it costs to provide
them, which is an unsustainable business
Participants, Sponsors and Advisors depend
on the expertise and services of
Recordkeepers to meet their goals and
objectives through education, management
of fiduciary risk, investments in technology,
etc. Failure to meet those needs would
compromise the industry.
What is the problem?
There is a basic disconnect between Sponsors,
Consultants and Advisors on the perceived value of
a Recordkeeper. Theoretically, the reason
Recordkeepers exist is to provide the benefits of
scale, but there is a fundamental disconnect between
Sponsors and Recordkeepers on this point. When
queried, many Sponsors say their Recordkeeper
forces standardization on them, “puts them in a box,”
and is inflexible.
Based upon our experience working for and with the
vast majority of Recordkeepers in the industry, their
perspective is that they are drowning in “infinite
variability” and are unable to achieve scale, which is
the desired outcome.
For instance, a typical mid-market $25–50M plan
requires answering 700–1000 questions in order to
set it up to be serviced properly. Given that each
question has multiple-choice answers, we have
unknowingly created an industry of “infinite
variability” – the antithesis of scale – including:
If we solve the legislative and investment product
issues and do not solve the scale issue, the
connect@getBridgePoint.com  (855) 274-3434  www.getBridgePoint.com
1. Variable ways to repay a loan
2. Significant customization of statements –
modules, colors, formats
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2) POINT of View
3. Plan Sponsors inserting themselves as
control points in production processes (e.g. “I
need to see it before it goes out”) thus
“breaking scale”
4. An average 12,000+ fund choices per
Recordkeeper – with 80 percent of the
money in 200 choices or less. Still, the
Recordkeeper is required to price, track
income and corporate actions, maintain fund
fact sheets and information, train telephone
representatives, print on statements and
present all 12,000 options online.
The question we need to ask ourselves is whether or
not these service variables ultimately lead to better
retirement outcomes for the Participant? While you
can argue effectively that some of these may be
important for the Sponsor’s brand image or other
legitimate purposes, is the Participant truly served by
ultimately paying for the lack of scale, and
corresponding average service experience that
Consider this – in a typical Defined
Contribution phone center 40 percent of the
calls made by Participants are calls they didn’t
want to make (e.g. “I don’t understand this
form, I didn’t get my check yet, I don’t
understand my 50 investment choices”) and
the Recordkeeper didn’t want to take.
All of these services ultimately end up being paid for
by the Participant.
What do we do about this?
First, we must obtain a collective and common view
of the challenge. In subsequent articles we will
expand upon this subject in an attempt to provide
education and insight into a tremendous opportunity
we have to help our current and future retirees.
Second, we need to start talking about servicing
value and hold ourselves accountable for designing
services that help Participants retire while
simultaneously building scale. The goal is to
eliminate those service variations that do not benefit
the Participant, Sponsor, or Recordkeeper (there are
more of these than you can imagine).
What can Sponsors do?
In order to fix this broken model, it’s important for you
to engage in a productive discussion with your
Recordkeeper to talk about how together you can
focus on the highest value priority service items to
achieve scale.
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(855) 274-3434
About BridgePoint
BridgePoint is not your typical consulting firm. We take a practical, results-based approach focused on executable
strategies. We specialize in helping retirement, financial services and benefits providers improve their business
performance by better aligning efforts with what customers value - and are willing to pay - for services. We are
experienced business professionals who have managed all facets of retirement and benefit services, including
delivering major transformation programs. We bring hands-on leadership and deep industry expertise to helping
our clients overcome the common obstacles that often derail strategic initiatives. We provide the guidance needed
to accelerate execution and deliver results.
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