1) Monthly Bulletin
California Department of Business Oversight
Volume 3, Number 3
October 2015
Victor Wells Appointed DBO
Deputy Commissioner for
Mortgage Lending
DBO has announced the promotion of Victor Wells to
Deputy Commissioner for Mortgage Lending. He will
assume the post effective Nov. 1.
Victor joined the DBO in 2006, in the Broker-Dealer
and Investment Advisers (BDIA) unit. He started at
the BDIA’s complaint desk, and rose to the rank of
supervisor and manager after being on the job for 18 months.
After graduating from high school in Chicago, IL, Victor enlisted in the U.S. Air
Force at the age of 17. He served six years and received an honorable
discharge before settling in California to pursue his higher education degree.
Victor has two bachelor’s degrees: one from Cal State San Bernardino in
Accounting (June 1992), and a second in Computer Information Technology
(October 2001). After college, Victor worked as an auditor, examiner and staff
accountant in the public and private sectors before joining DBO.
1515 K Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814-4052
(916) 445-7205
One Sansome Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4428
(415) 972-8565
45 Fremont Street, Suite 1700
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 263-8500
320 West 4th Street, Suite 750
Los Angeles, CA 90013-2344
(213) 576-7500
300 S. Spring Street, Suite 15513
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 897-2085
1350 Front Street, Room 2034
San Diego, CA 92101-3697
(619) 525-4233
7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 108
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 682-7227
Department of Business Oversight Consumer Services Office – 1(866) 275-2677
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Monthly Bulletin
October 2015
Commissioner Asks Banks, Credit
Unions to Lead Wildfire Recovery
The Commissioner on Sept. 17 called on state-chartered
banks and credit unions to be leaders in efforts to help communities recover in
four fire-damaged counties.
The Commissioner urged banks and credit unions in Amador, Calaveras, Lake
and Napa counties to grant appropriate latitude on loan payments to existing
customers affected by the Valley and Butte fires. She also urged the financial
institutions to ensure customers have ready access to their funds, and to
expedite the extension of new credit to help residents and businesses finance
cleanup or rebuilding. Finally, the Commissioner asked banks and credit unions
to support fundraising efforts to help affected communities recover.
Commissioner Owen issued the following statement:
“Our banks and credit unions are more than financial institutions. They’re
citizens of the communities in which they do business. I know they will come
through, do their part, and more.”
The DBO continues to monitor and coordinate with banks, credit unions and
other licensees on any necessity to close branches in the four counties. The
Commissioner on Sept. 16 approved two bank branch closures in Middletown.
The two branches re-opened on Sept. 21. A total of 94 bank and credit union
branches are located in the four counties.
‘Know Before You Owe’ TRID
Mortgage Disclosure Rules
New federally-mandated disclosure rules from the U.S.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) governing
mortgage loan estimates and closing costs took effect
Oct. 3. The new rule consolidates four disclosures
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Monthly Bulletin
October 2015
required by the federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act (RESPA) into two forms: a Loan Estimate that must be delivered
or placed in the mail no later than the third business day after receiving a
consumer’s loan application; and a Closing Disclosure that must be provided to
the consumer at least three business days prior to the loan closing date.
Also known as “Know Before You Owe,” the new TRID disclosure forms must be
provided by all lenders or brokers who receive a mortgage loan application
from a consumer on or after Oct 3. The DBO will be examining licensees for
compliance with the new rule after that date.
In an Oct. 1 letter, the State Liaison Committee of the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) replied to an inquiry from the American
Bankers Association and 17 additional trade associations regarding regulatory
compliance with the new rules. This and a similar letter from the FDIC, outline
the basics of initial regulatory examinations for compliance with the rule, and
reassure the industry that good faith efforts to comply will be taken into
In addition to the new forms, TRID contains additional new regulatory
requirements. For more information on the new forms and additional regulatory
requirements, review the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule implementation
guidance posted on the CFPB website here.
DBO has established a TRID information page at our website here. The Loan
Estimate form is available on DBO’s website in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean,
Tagalog and Vietnamese here.
Federal Reserve and CSBS Release
2015 Community Banking Report
The Federal Reserve System and the Conference of State Bank
Supervisors (CSBS) on Oct. 1 released Community Banking in the 21st Century:
Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives, a report that details conditions
facing today’s community bankers.
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October 2015
The report was produced and released in conjunction with the third annual
Community Banking in the 21st Century research and policy conference, hosted
by the Fed and CSBS at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on Sept. 30-Oct.1.
The report contains the results of the 2015 National Survey of Community Banks,
distributed by state bank commissioners in 39 states. The survey provides a
comprehensive view of what bankers are thinking about key issues facing their
industry and how they are responding to changes in their markets. It covers
issues such as the regulations most impacting community banks, the narrowing
of mortgage lending product offerings, and the evolving mix of other products
and services.
The second part of the report is a summary, in narrative form, of town hall
meetings and associated roundtable discussions among regulators and bankers
across the country. State regulators from 27 states conducted town hall
meetings with their community bankers, asking questions about local economic
conditions, borrower attitudes, unmet financial services needs in the state,
current regulatory challenges and more.
The report can be found on the community banking research conference
website at www.communitybanking.org.
This is the third year the report has been published and the second year it has
featured the survey.
Local Agency Security Assessment
Pursuant to Government Code section 53667, the
Commissioner annually assesses all depository institutions
in California in which the local agency securities are
deposited. The assessments fund the DBO’s administration
of the laws relating to local agency securities. Invoices
were mailed to depository institutions on Sept. 30.
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The base rate for the assessment was set at 0.0021% of average local agency
deposits for fiscal year 2014-15.
Depository institutions must pay their assessment no later than Oct. 20. Questions
regarding the assessment should be directed to Patrick Carroll at 415-263-8559
or patrick.carroll@dbo.ca.gov.
Office of Credit Unions – Changes
in the Licensee Point of Contact
Lana Tom, the Assistant Deputy Commissioner (Portfolio
Manager) for the Office of Credit Unions, is retiring from
State service. Lana stepped down from her role as the San
Francisco based Portfolio Manager on Aug. 31. Upon her formal retirement
date, Lana will have provided 37 years of distinguished service to the people of
Sean Sisser, the Assistant Deputy Commissioner (Examination Manager) based in
San Francisco, was temporarily overseeing the Portfolio Manager responsibilities
beginning September 1, 2015. Sean has accepted an offer to permanently fill
the Portfolio Manager vacancy created by Lana retirement on a permanent
basis. Sean has more than 32 years of service with the State, with much of that
time spent in credit union examination. Sean has been the Examination
Manager in San Francisco since 2002 and has a strong knowledge of the
institutions, management teams and boards of directors of the San Franciscobased credit unions he will be supervising.
Sean’s transfer to the permanent San Francisco-based Portfolio Manager role
was effective Oct. 1. All inquiries from San Francisco-based credit union
licensees should now be directed to Sean. The Directory of State Chartered
Credit Unions on the DBO website has been updated to reflect the changes in
contact information.
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Monthly Bulletin
October 2015
October is National
Cyber Security
Awareness Month
Everyone must do their part to make sure
our online lives are kept safe and secure.
Toward that end, October has been
declared National Cyber Security
Awareness Month (NCSAM).
NCSAM was created 15 years ago as a collaborative effort between
government and industry to ensure every American has the resources to stay
cyber-secure. Since its inception under leadership from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, NCSAM has grown
rapidly, reaching consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, corporations,
educational institutions and young people across the nation.
Listed below are some of the resources your institution may use to engage.
Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign Backgrounder – a summary of the overall
national cybersecurity education and awareness campaign from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security can be found here.
Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity – Post or distribute workplace
cybersecurity best practices tips around your office. Some useful
infographics on cybersecurity can be found here.
NCSAM Promotional Images on Website – Share the NCSAM promotional
materials on your website or on your social networks.
o NCSAM Button NCSAM Banner
o NCSAMPromo1 NCSAMPromo2
More promotional materials are available for download on the NCSAM website
at www.staysafeonline.org.
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Monthly Bulletin
October 2015
Californians Continue
Meeting Water
Conservation Mandate
California urban water users in August reduced their water use by nearly 27
percent compared to the same month in 2013, exceeding the Governor’s 25
percent conservation mandate for the third straight month.
While August’s conservation was good, it was down from July’s record savings
performance of 31.4 percent. As California enters the cool fall months, when
water use traditionally drops, overall savings will likely drop.
Cumulative savings for the summer, despite hot and dry conditions, put the state
half-way to meeting its goal of 1.2 million acre-feet
of water saved by February 2016. State Water
Resources Control Board officials stressed it will take
persistence on the part of urban water users, now
and into winter, to meet the goal.
For more information, go to www.ca.gov/drought/.
Commercial Bank Activity
New Bank
255 East River Park Circle, Fresno, Fresno County
Correspondent: David L. Horstmann
Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
P.O. Box 778, Dubuque, IA 52004
Approved: 9/7/15
(In connection with the acquisition of Premier Valley Bank, Fresno by Heartland
Financial USA, Inc., Dubuque, Iowa)
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Monthly Bulletin
October 2015
America California Bank, San Francisco, merged with and into First National
Bank of Northern California, South San Francisco
Effected: 9/4/15
Bank of Santa Barbara, The, Santa Barbara, to merge with and into American
Riviera Bank, Santa Barbara
Filed: 8/31/15
Premier Valley Bank, Fresno, to merge with and into PV Acquisition Bank, with
change of name to Premier Valley Bank
Approved: 9/7/15
(In connection with the acquisition of Premier Valley Bank, Fresno by Heartland
Financial USA, Inc., Dubuque, Iowa)
Sutter Community Bank, Yuba City, to merge with and into Suncrest Bank, Visalia
Filed: 9/18/15
Purchase of Partial Business Unit
Americas United Bank, Glendale, to acquire the Santa Fe Springs and
Commerce branches of Banc of California, National Association, Irvine
Approved: 9/8/15
Effected: 9/25/15
Bank of Stockton, Stockton, to acquire the Brentwood and Napa branches of
First Bank, Creve Coeur, Missouri
Effected: 9/25/15
Bank of Stockton, Stockton, to acquire the Fairfield branch of First Bank, Creve
Coeur, Missouri
Effected: 9/25/15
Acquisition of Control
Heartland Financial USA, Inc. to acquire control of PV Acquisition Bank
Approved: 9/8/15
(In connection with the acquisition of Premier Valley Bank, Fresno by Heartland
Financial USA, Inc., Dubuque, Iowa)
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October 2015
Acquisition of Control (Continued)
Pacific Commerce Bancorp to acquire control of Pacific Commerce Bank
Filed: 8/24/15
Private Bancorp of America, Inc., to acquire control of San Diego Private Bank
Filed: 8/28/15
Sang Young Lee, Chun Young Lee and Lee’s Gold and Diamond Import, Inc., to
acquire control of Pacific City Bank
Filed: 9/17/15
Credit Union Activity
ILWU-FSC Federal Credit Union, Oakland, to merge with and into ILWU Credit
Union, Wilmington
Filed: 9/1/15
S.T.A.R. Community Credit Union, Chico, to merge with and into Members 1st
Credit Union, Redding
Filed: 8/10/15
Premium Finance Company Activity
New Premium Finance Company
ETI of California
660 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County
Filed: 8/28/15
Heritage Premium Finance Company
660 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County
Filed: 8/26/15
Approved: 9/16/15
Western Finance Company
660 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County
Filed: 8/28/15
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October 2015
Voluntary Surrender of License
AFCO Premium Acceptance, Inc.
Effected: 7/14/15
Foreign (Other Nation) Bank Activity
New Office
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
201 Mission Street, City and County of San Francisco (Representative Office)
(temporary location)
Opened: 9/1/15
Société Générale
ï‚· 18101 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine, Orange County (Representative Office)
ï‚· 233 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica, Los Angeles County (Representative
Approved: 9/7/15
Opened: 9/14/15
Discontinuance of Office
Cathay United Bank, Ltd.
707 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County
Effected: 9/15/15
601 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County (Nondepositary
(in connection with the transformation of the Nondepositary Agency to a
Representative Office)
Filed: 9/25/15
Money Transmitter Activity
New Transmitter
Circle Payments, LLC
Filed: 9/22/15
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Change of Name
ITC Financial Licenses, Inc., to change its name to InComm Financial Services,
Effected: 9/30/15
Voluntary Surrender of License
Tempo Financial U.S. Corporation
Effected: 9/29/15
Commissioner of Business Oversight
The October 2015 Monthly Bulletin covers the month ended September 30, 2015. It is issued pursuant to Financial Code section 376.
The Monthly Bulletin is available without charge via e-mail. To subscribe, go to: http://www.dbo.ca.gov/Resources/subscription.asp.