1) Calculate the Savings with Single-stock Futures
The following is a copy of an article published in SFO Magazine
February 2009
By Howard L. Simons
Corporate finance is not as complicated as we make it out to be. For instance, say you need a
few billion dollars to tide you over for the next several months, perhaps to recapitalize a bank
after all those unfortunate incidents with mortgages issued to borrowers without documented
income, or maybe to fund a plant and equipment. It matters not. At the end of it all, there are
three options: borrow the money, sell ownership in the firm or issue a hybrid security such as
a convertible bond that does both.
That is it. It is as simple as trading—where the price can go up or the price can go down. Why
do we make these things so difficult for ourselves?
A small but significant change in our thought process can make our lives simpler and, one
hopes, more profitable. We need to stop thinking about each financial market in a vacuum,
even though this is how we have organized our financial institutions—for better or worse. I
made this point three years ago in conjunction with the credit-default-swap market in SFO
(see “Stocks Float on a Sea of Bonds,” December 2005).
The world might have handled the credit crunch that began in summer 2007 a little better if
the very compartmentalized traders on mortgage-, stock- and bond desks understood each
others’ businesses more.
The simple fact is that all capital markets are linked together so as to provide investors with an
identical risk-adjusted rate of return for any given time horizon. This is a corollary to the law of
one price, the basis for arbitrage. Whether we are buying stocks, bonds or simply providing a
loan, we expect to make a return relative to the risk-free (or Treasury bill) rate of return.
Restated, all investments are spread trades: You are selling cash—borrowing from yourself
whether you realize it or not—in order to buy an asset.
Sometimes that trade works—and sometimes it works spectacularly in the case of a stock.
Each stock contains an embedded call option, which can increase without limit over a long
period. The stock investor also receives dividends; those are reinvested, too. The downside of
stock ownership is limited, by definition, to the purchase price before dividends, and the
opportunity costs of capital are accounted for as the stock cannot fall below $0. In option
terms, the owner of an asset is short a put option, which by itself has a maximum loss
equivalent to the present value of its strike price.
As an aside, this “going to zero” happens more often than the propaganda will lead you to
believe, but at least the loss is both finite and knowable in advance. It also provides an
interesting comparison to commodities: Although any given stock can go to zero or be merged
out of existence, this is an unlikely outcome for corn, sugar, etc.
If stock investors are borrowing from themselves, they should do everything possible to lower
their financing costs. The best way to do that is to put single-stock futures (SSFs) back on
their plates.
SSFs, as you may recall, were enabled by the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000
and launched with great fanfare in November 2002. For a large number of reasons, none of
which I will delve into, they struggled initially but have since come roaring back by virtue of
their intrinsic financing advantages over stocks on both the long and short sides of the
equation. Like everything else knowing in this business, volume tells the story.
SSFs are contracts to buy or sell 100 shares of an underlying stock or 1,000 shares of many
exchange-traded funds. Although an SSF contract can be offset any time prior to the contract’s
expiration, normally the third Friday of the contract month, a contract held through expiration
converts into either ownership of the stock for a long position or delivery of the stock for a
short position. In marked contrast to most other futures that are used for the purposes of price
discovery and risk management and seldom go to delivery, approximately 95 percent of SSFs
are held to delivery.
This absolute convergence in both theory and practice—and how many times do these two
agree in finance? —of SSFs into a financial asset forms the basis, no pun intended, of thinking
about stocks in interest-rate terms. Lending can be defined in economic terms as receiving
money solely as a function of time. Conversely, borrowing can be defined as paying money
solely as a function of time.
The fair value of an SSF is the price of the stock plus the interest-rate cost of carrying that
stock to expiration, minus the future value of the expected dividend. If the short-term interestrate cost of carry is greater than the dividend yield during the period between the trade and
the future’s expiration, the SSF will be priced greater than the stock. The opposite is true if the
dividend yield exceeds the short-term interest-rate cost of carry over the same period.
As in all other matters financial, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Let’s
take the case of buying the stock and selling the future at a net interest-rate return greater
than the market. If the apparent interest-rate return seems unusually high, that may be
because the market is expecting the dividend to be cut.
Click image for larger view
For a short position, there really is no comparison. Instead of going through the normal stock
loan procedure of finding someone with the stock to lend, borrowing those shares, posting 150
percent of the value as margin, possibly (but not necessarily) receiving some portion of the
3) interest earned on those shares as a rebate and being subject to the recall of those shares—all
of which are cumbersome and nontransparent processes—instead you can simply take a short
position in the future and post an initial margin or performance bond of 20 percent of the value
of the underlying stock. The procedure is completely transparent, and the credit quality is that
of the triple-A rated Options Clearing Corporation. OneChicago is regulated by both the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and
will certainly be regulated by any successor single financial regulator.
Once you make the little mental leap to thinking of stock purchases and sales in terms of
interest rates, as well as in terms of price, you will find a surprising number of transactions
On the stock purchase side, interest-rate items include:
1. Margin loan charges, if applicable. If you buy shares using the 50 percent margin allowed
under Regulation T, you will be paying an interest rate called a broker loan on the amount
borrowed. A broker loan is typically one of the highest short-term interest rates.
2. Foregone interest earned. This is the opportunity cost involved in tying up money in the
stock instead of investing it in a short-term interest rate instrument, minus the reinvestment
income on the dividend received, if applicable over the SSFs holding period.
On the SSF long side, interest-rate items include:
1. The basis of the SSF. Specifically, it will be the spread between the stock’s bid price and the
SSF’s asking price, less the dividend, if applicable.
2. Foregone interest earned. This is the amount of money you have tied up in the 20 percent
of current market value performance bond multiplied by the interest rate you were earning on
that cash. Think of this as money you are borrowing from yourself.
3. Interest rate income earned on T-bills deposited against the SSF performance bond
On the stock sale, or short side, interest-rate items include:
1. The short stock rebate you may earn from your broker on the proceeds from your short
2. Foregone interest earned. This is the opportunity cost involved with tying up money in
margin against the short sale.
On the SSF short side, interest-rate items include:
1. The implied interest rate in the SSF’s basis, which we can define as SSF = stock • er • ((tx-t0) ÷
, where “r” is the effective federal funds rate, “tx” is the expiration date of the future and
“t0” is the date of evaluation.
2. Interest-rate income earned on T-bills deposited against the SSF’s performance bond.
3. Foregone interest earned. This is the amount of money you have tied up in the 20 percent
of current market value performance bond multiplied by the interest rate you were earning on
that cash.
If this sounds as if there are many moving parts involved in calculating the interest-rate
savings of SSFs, there are. That is unavoidable in this situation, but then again, it is
unavoidable in all forms of arbitrage. Fortunately, there are interactive online calculators
available to walk you through the process. (Check out OneChicagoCalculator.com.)
This is if you are an arbitrageur. If you are simply an investor looking to maximize the return
on your capital, the first thing you want to do is get comfortable with the whole process: No
one trades what they do not understand, or alternatively, what they think they do not
understand. How many stock traders can tell you the interest-rate opportunity costs associated
with their investments? Most of us do not know because we were never told we should care.
You should; it is real money and adds up quickly.
Professional traders, including dedicated short sellers, market-neutral funds and so-called
130/30 funds (those that balance a 130 percent long position with a 30 percent short position)
have started to come back to SSFs because they understand the importance of return on
capital. It is, after all, the only game in town.
Howard L. Simons is president of Simons Research, which provides economic and financial
analyses and commodity trading advisories for firms, traders and exchanges. He can be
reached at hsimons@aol.com.