1) education series
finding ways to boost
your investments
Savvy shoppers know how to find the bargains.
So what do they do with all that money they
save? Wise shoppers would invest those savings
and start building a nest egg that could provide
financial security in retirement. After all, a penny
saved is a penny earned. And over time, those
pennies could add up and help “buy” a more
enjoyable retirement lifestyle.
If you're ready to start saving for retirement or want
to ramp up your current contribution, but there
just doesn't seem to be enough money left over at
the end of the month, don't give up. The following
strategies could help you manage your money better
and free up resources for your investment goals.
• tart budgeting. While most of us know what
a budget is, how many of us actually use one?
A budget can help you chart your cash flow
by recording all of your sources of income and
your fixed and variable monthly expenses.
Once you determine where your money is going
using a budget, you can prioritize your needs,
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York
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potentially identify expenses that could be
eliminated and instead, start setting that aside
for your retirement savings.
• ut down on credit card expenses. Avoid
using credit cards whenever possible, but if
you can't, at least work to pay off your debt.
Consider transferring your balances to a card
with a lower-interest rate and try to pay at least
twice the minimum monthly payment.
• atch transportation costs. Do you really
need a brand new car right now? You could
save thousands by purchasing one that's just
a year or two old and yet still has a warranty.
If you purchase a car—new or used—carefully
consider whether to finance or lease it.
The decision could dramatically affect your
monthly expenses.
• ut your extra cash to work. Did this year's
tax refund, raise or bonus burn a hole in your
pocket? The next one doesn't have to. Make
plans now to invest it.
2) • ut down on "luxury" spending. If you only
go snowboarding or skiing twice a year, it might
make more sense to rent equipment instead of
buying the latest model and watching it collect
dust the rest of the year. Renting movies instead
of paying $8 or more to see the latest release
and bringing lunch to work are other ways you
can watch your bottom line without cramping
your own style.
It may be difficult at first, but once you start you'll
see that a little bit of discipline can make a big
difference when it comes to finding the money to
pursue your financial objectives.
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York
Retirement Plans Division
1350 Broadway, Suite 2201
New York, NY 10018
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