1) to Assess Organizational
Risk Management Practices
The entire senior management team should be able to identify your
organization's top five risks and the strategies in place to address them.
In today’s environment, an integrated risk management function is essential to an organization’s survival.
But one size does not ï¬t all when it comes to risk management. Building a sound risk management
program starts with asking the right questions so you can identify and prioritize your organization’s
unique risks and vulnerabilities – and create a risk mitigation strategy from there.
First and foremost:
Does the organization have a process for
the formal identiï¬cation of risks?
What's the likelihood the identified risk events will occur?
What's the impact (financial and non-financial)
if they do occur?
Weighting of Assessment Factors: Should likelihood and
impact be weighted equally? Should the various non-financial impact
factors be given the same weighting as financial?
Risk Appetite: What is your organization's desired balance of risk and
return? Consider the distribution of risk across categories, including
financial, market, operational and compliance risk.
Frequency or
What are the ï¬nancial
and non-ï¬nancial
Consider these additional factors in connection with your risk assessment:
What is your organization's level of
preparedness, agility, adaptability
and responsiveness? How quickly
could risk events occur with little
or no warning?
What level of comfort
do we gain from our preventive
and detective controls and
processes in mitigating these
Risk Trend:
Roles for
Risk Mitigation:
Would this risk precipitate or
impact another risk if the event
occurs? Risks rarely exist in
Think risk management is not your
job? Board members, senior
executives and every staff person
all have roles to play. Do they all
understand their responsibilities?
Is this risk increasing or
decreasing in impact or likelihood
since the last assessment? Risk
trend should be considered in
developing appropriate risk
Based on your assessment, what
is the organization's plan for
mitigating each critical risk?
For more information, visit http://bit.ly/1X1rfX4 or contact
Gerard Zack, Managing Director in BDO's Global Forensics practice 202-644-5404 / gzack@bdo.com
Vicky Gregorcyk, National Leader in BDO's Risk, Management & Technology practice 713-407-3955 / vgregorcyk@bdo.com
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Member Firms. For more information please visit: www.bdo.com.
Material discussed is meant to provide general information and should not be acted on without professional advice tailored to your firm’s individual
needs. © 2016 BDO USA, LLP. All rights reserved.