1) New Markets
Tax Credits
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Partnering with Clients
To Build Stronger Communities
2) The New Markets Tax Credit
Program transforms
We show clients how they
can make the most of every
3) We have helped clients use NMTCs to invigorate
communities since the program was established
by Congress in 2000.
We represented the East St. Louis Housing Authority and the developer Eco Jazz, Inc., NFP, in
a first-of-its-kind transaction, using NMTCs leveraged with HUD public housing development
funds. Jazz @ Walter Circle is a four-story, 74-unit, independent-living seniors housing facility in
a severely distressed community. The complex has retail and commercial components, including a
locally owned green grocer, a credit union, a community health and wellness center, office space,
a community conference center, and a garden. This transformative project is expected to serve as a
model for future public housing development.
The unique federal, state, and local public-private partnership used to finance the project involved
HUD, the State of Illinois, the City of East St. Louis, and three not-for-profit affiliates of the
Housing Authority, as well as the tax credit investor and the Community Development Entity. In
addition to public housing development funds, the project was financed with City Tax Increment
Financing and Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation grant funds for U.S. Green Building
Council LEED Gold certification.
As counsel to M&T Bank, the senior leveraged lender, we closed a commercial development
transaction that financed the construction of a 300,000-square-foot, multistory, mixed-use facility
in Pittsburgh that includes a 154,000-square-foot Target Corporation department store and
structured parking facility.
The transaction leveraged HUD 108 guaranteed loan funds for brownfields redevelopment and
HUD Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) grant funds with NMTCs. The
NMTC investment totaled more than $46 million. The complex structure involved a Qualified
Low-Income Community Investment loan with 12 notes from three community development
entities. The borrower was a “portion of the business” Qualified Active Low-Income Community
Business affiliated with the developer.
We represented The Children’s Aid Society (CAS), a private charitable organization, and its
affiliate, 910 East 172nd Street LLC, in financing the acquisition and renovation of the third and
fourth floors of a 40,000-square-foot building for the relocation and expansion of the medical,
dental, and mental health programs of the Bronx Family Center in New York.
The project will nearly double the capacity of the Center to provide health care to some of the
poorest children in New York City. The Center is expected to receive more than 5,000 visits a
year by 4,000 children in foster care, as well as by children in other CAS programs. In addition,
a portion of the renovated space will be leased to a home health care agency. CAS acted as the
guarantor and the structure involved two “portions of the business” Qualified Active Low-Income
Community Businesses.
We combine NMTCs with other
tax credits and financing tools:
Historic rehabilitation tax credits
Energy tax credits and incentives
State and local tax credits
Grants and subsidized loans
Tax-exempt bond financing
ARRA funds
Tax Increment Financing
Community Development
Block Grants
Federal agency loan guarantees
4) Investing in low-income communities is
good business. We handle all of the
regulatory, compliance, and transactional
matters associated with NMTC deals.
The NMTC program provides federal income tax credits to taxpayers investing in low-income
communities. We have been involved in the program since its inception, helping clients structure
transactions that pave the way for stronger communities and a healthy bottom line.
Evaluating eligibility for NMTCs and assessing risks and benefits
Forming, certifying, and qualifying Community Development Entities
Preparing, reviewing, and filing allocation applications
Conducting and reviewing due diligence
Structuring, negotiating, documenting, and closing financing transactions
Issuing corporate, tax, and other legal opinions
Assisting with regulatory filings
Providing compliance counseling and training
Handling compliance reviews, audits, and opinions
Counseling in the event of recapture, default, foreclosure, and refinancing
Financial services institutions
Nonprofit organizations
Governments and quasigovernmental agencies
Developers, owners, and
Tax credit investors
Leveraged lenders
Private equity funds
Community Development
Qualified Active Low-Income
Community Businesses
Negotiating and executing allocation agreements
Attorneys from the following
practices work together to advise
• Commercial finance
• Public finance
• Real estate development
• Real estate finance
• Taxation
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