2016 Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan - January 4, 2016

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2) MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, DC 20429 Office of the Chairman January 4, 2016 FDIC 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan To All FDIC Employees, I am pleased to share with you the FDIC’s 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. In 2012, I established performance goals to update the FDIC’s Diversity Strategic Plan and asked each division and office to develop strategic plans that identify steps to promote increased diversity through the FDIC’s recruiting and hiring processes. The following year, we committed to regularly reviewing and updating the plan to ensure that it remains current and relevant. The updated Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan continues our efforts in this important area. It reflects the input of the FDIC Diversity and Inclusion Executive Advisory Council (EAC) and incorporates many new initiatives being pursued as part of the Workforce Development Initiative. It also reflects relevant FDIC Performance Goals and commitments made by the FDIC in response to recommendations from the FDIC Office of Inspector General’s November 2014 report, The FDIC’s Efforts to Provide Equal Opportunity and Achieve Senior Management Diversity. The plan details specific steps to enhance diversity and inclusion at the FDIC in the areas of leadership engagement, analytics and reporting, training, communications, strategic planning and program enhancement. The FDIC’s EAC will continue to oversee the implementation of the plan and ensure our commitment to diversity and inclusion remains an important priority. I encourage all FDIC employees to take an active role in implementing the plan. By valuing the knowledge, ideas and experiences of all employees, we will serve the public at the highest level. Sincerely, Martin J. Gruenberg Chairman

3) 2016 DIVERSITY and INCLUSION S T R AT E G I C P L A N TABLE OF CONTENTS Vision and Definitions 2 Workforce Diversity 3 Workplace Inclusion 5 Sustainability 10

4) VISION AND DEFINITIONS Vision Diversity Diversity is defined by who we are as individuals. The FDIC recognizes that its strength comes from the dedication, experience, talents, and perspectives of every employee. Diversity encompasses the range of similarities and differences each individual brings to the workplace, including but not limited to national origin, language, race, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and family structures. Inclusion Inclusion is the process of creating a working culture and environment that recognizes, appreciates, and effectively utilizes the talents, skills, and perspectives of every employee; uses employee skills to achieve the agency’s objectives and mission; connects each employee to the organization; and encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness. Implementation 2 | Dedication to diversity and inclusion is embedded in the FDIC’s core values, which are integrated throughout its organizational structure and work environment to help the FDIC continue to effectively achieve its mission of preserving and promoting public confidence in the U.S. financial system. The strategies contained in this plan will be implemented in 2016. The FDIC’s Diversity and Inclusion Executive Advisory Council will oversee the implementation of the plan to promote leadership engagement on diversity and inclusion issues. OMWI, as advisor to FDIC leadership on issues related to diversity and inclusion, will provide actionable analytics and reporting on diversity and inclusion topics, and increase organizational awareness and engagement about diversity and inclusion throughout the agency on an ongoing basis. 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN

5) WORKFORCE DIVERSITY GOAL 1 The FDIC will recruit from a diverse, qualified group of potential applicants to secure a high-performing workforce drawn from all segments of U.S. society. Objective 1 Recruit highly qualified, diverse talent to sustain the FDIC’s mission. Strategy 1 Ensure the FDIC’s recruitment process reaches and appeals to a diverse and highly qualified pool of candidates. Action Items •  Use workforce analytics to advise managers and recruiters on individual, group and organizational patterns and trends of recruitment and hiring of a diverse group of employees and to assess progress on implementing division and office diversity strategies. •  Enhance controls to ensure the reliability of data on workforce analytics for internal and external reports. •  Formalize recruiting procedures to ensure consistency and comprehensive outreach to diverse populations. •  Enlist recruitment teams for career fairs and outreach events that represent the mission occupations and the diversity of talent that the FDIC seeks to attract; that are skilled at interviewing candidates across all dimensions of diversity; and that are trained to recognize and disregard cultural bias. •  Use a variety of tools – such as print, social media, job boards and other vehicles – that target demographically diverse audiences. •  Enhance activities to support workforce needs across the FDIC by increasing the pool of diverse candidates interested in the Pathways Programs, with a focus on high school seniors, college students and recent graduates, and students in advanced degree and continuing education programs. •  Strengthen and broaden relationships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, veterans’ organizations, organizations for disabled persons and other institutions that serve diverse populations. 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN | 3

6) •  Increase the FDIC’s presence on college campuses by participating in career fairs, employer panels, classroom presentations and on-campus interviews pursuant to FDIC’s recruitment activities. •  Broaden associations with diverse local, national and professional organizations that provide opportunities to source potential applicants for FDIC mission occupations and management and executive-level positions. •  Establish a policy to ensure, to the extent possible, interview panels are appropriately diverse. Strategy 2 Ensure that qualified internal FDIC candidates have an opportunity to compete for posted positions. Action Items •  Employ interviewing techniques and flexibilities (e.g., the use of structured interview questions and, when practicable, diverse interview panel members) that promote fair and consistent treatment of all FDIC candidates and that foster the selection of the best qualified candidate. •  Educate selecting officials on effective position management techniques, consideration of internal candidates and the selection of diverse candidates at all levels of the organization, including CM and EM positions. •  Offer training to selecting officials on recognizing and avoiding unconscious bias in the hiring, interviewing, and selection of diverse candidates at all levels of the organization. •  Ensure that vacancies available to internal candidates are advertised to the widest possible audience within the FDIC to promote and encourage open competition. •  Use workforce analytics to advise managers on individual, group and organizational patterns and trends of hiring, retention and promotion of employees. 4 | 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN :: WORKFORCE DIVERSITY

7) WORKFORCE INCLUSION GOAL 2 The FDIC will cultivate a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness to enable individuals to contribute to their full potential and to improve retention. Objective 1 Retain the FDIC’s valued and diverse workforce. Strategy 1 Identify and implement strategies to retain valued employees. Action Items •  Maintain an open dialogue with managers, supervisors and employees through surveys, focus groups, Workplace Excellence Steering Committee and Councils, Chairman’s Diversity Advisory Councils, Employee Resource Groups and OMWI, as appropriate, to identify workplace issues and/or enhancements to support retention of diverse employees. •  Assess the results of exit surveys to identify reasons employees choose to leave the FDIC, and utilize data to enhance working conditions to promote retention and an inclusive environment. •  Leverage the Workplace Excellence Program as a resource for maintaining and institutionalizing positive workplace programs and policies to enhance retention. •  Use the Workforce Analytics Dashboard and other employment data to analyze attrition data to determine if disparities exist and address identified retention issues. •  Where appropriate, encourage the use of flexible workplace policies that support employee engagement and empowerment, including telework, wellness programs and other work-life flexibilities and benefits. Strategy 2 Integrate coaching into the FDIC’s leadership competencies. Action Items •  Continue to integrate coaching in Corporate University’s leadership curriculum for managers, supervisors and employees specifically related to promoting diversity and inclusion. •  Continue to encourage coaching among all employees and between supervisors and employees. 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN | 5

8) Objective 2 Ensure every employee has an equal opportunity for career advancement. Strategy 1 Apply developmental policies and practices consistently to all eligible employees. Action Items •  Improve transparency of developmental opportunities and support employees seeking developmental opportunities by ensuring that Expression of Interest announcements are widely posted and made accessible to all eligible employees. Ensure all applications and selections are systematically tracked. •  Develop a process for OMWI to work closely with division and office directors, Corporate University and the Division of Administration to identify and address barriers affecting the inclusion of diverse employees in career development programs and opportunities. •  Support employee participation in Employee Resource Groups and provide such groups with access to present ideas and issues to OMWI, the Workplace Excellence Steering Committee and Councils, the Chairman’s Diversity Advisory Councils and the Diversity and Inclusion Executive Advisory Council. •  Expand awareness of Corporate University’s Executive Coaching Program for Corporate and Executive Managers. •  Add the results of inclusion-specific questions from the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and the FDIC exit surveys to the Workforce Analytics Dashboard to assess the climate and overall sense of employee engagement. •  Address any issues as they are identified by the Chairman’s Diversity Advisory Councils, Workplace Excellence Steering Committee and Councils and Employee Resource Groups that inhibit employees’ inclusion in developmental opportunities and career enhancement and promotion opportunities. •  Develop and implement a method to track Leadership Development Program and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Program applications and selections to ensure diverse participation. 6 | 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN :: WORKFORCE INCLUSION

9) Strategy 2 Expand career development paths to meet FDIC long-term mission needs through the Workforce Development Initiative and other existing FDIC programs. Action Items •  Through collaboration across the FDIC, continue to explore the feasibility of establishing additional career paths, (e.g., bridge positions, upward mobility, cross-training opportunities, and supervisory and managerial development.) •  Continue to use succession planning to identify and broaden career path opportunities that meet current and future organizational needs. •  Continue to ensure FDIC’s career development and succession planning efforts include a diverse candidate feeder group, especially for executive management levels. •  Continue to develop and implement a succession management strategy for specialty examination skills (RMS). •  Continue to develop competency models and on-the-job post-commission certification programs for selected specialty areas (RMS). •  Continue to integrate specialty competencies and certifications into career paths and position descriptions (RMS). WORKFORCE INCLUSION :: 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN | 7

10) Objective 3 Develop, implement and institutionalize diversity and inclusion initiatives to ensure they are a consistent part of the FDIC’s work environment. Strategy 1 Create additional methods for communicating the FDIC’s commitment to, and value of, diversity and inclusion to its workforce and to the public. Action Items •  Implement an ongoing communication strategy to reinforce the commitment of all employees to diversity and inclusion with an emphasis on its importance and what it means to the FDIC’s mission. •  Develop informal channels of communication for employees to learn about diversity and inclusion and engage in open dialogue (e.g., with OMWI, Chairman’s Diversity Advisory Councils, Employee Resource Groups and Diversity Dialogue Groups.) •  Identify potential topics and ensure that internal publications, such as the FDIC News, include articles on diversity and inclusion to further promote the importance and success of diversity and inclusion to the FDIC. •  Promote and share activities, events, awards and other diversity and inclusion interests with the FDIC workforce via the diversity and inclusion web site. •  Raise public awareness by including information about diversity and inclusion efforts on the FDIC’s external web site and at FDIC outreach events. Strategy 2 Nurture the acceptance of diversity and inclusion through continuous learning efforts. Action Items •  Promote awareness and discussion of diversity and inclusion by focusing on issues that impact today’s workplace, such as generational issues, unconscious bias and potential misconceptions about working with individuals with disabilities. •  Review current learning and development programs to ensure equal employment opportunity and diversity and inclusion are included in developmental competencies that enhance organizational units, workgroups and high-performing teams, and that they meet the needs of the FDIC and its workforce. •  Continue to explore opportunities to provide diversity and inclusion training for employees in an online environment. •  Enhance the Diversity and Inclusion Education Series by ensuring programs and activities support the learning experiences for all employees, while continuing to recognize federal observances. •  Incorporate diversity and inclusion messaging in classes for new employees such as One FDIC and Leadership 101: Introduction to FDIC Leadership. 8 | 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN :: WORKFORCE INCLUSION

11) Objective 4 Strengthen programs to increase employee engagement to support and promote agency-wide diversity and inclusion efforts. Strategy 1 Leverage the Chairman’s Diversity Advisory Councils’ activities to expand awareness of diversity and inclusion at headquarters, regional and field locations. Action Items •  Engage CDACs in the implementation of diversity and inclusion goals, objectives and initiatives. •  Encourage managers, supervisors and employees to participate and support CDAC activities. Strategy 2 Consider enhancements to existing diversity and inclusion programs by revitalizing and encouraging appropriate participation in FDIC Employee Resource Groups. Action Items •  Implement the Employee Resource Group directive to help provide employees with a supportive work environment that encourages networking and collaborating on career management and personal development issues. •  Develop and implement a strategy to encourage employee interest and participation in Employee Resource Groups. •  Encourage the development of Employee Resource Groups at headquarters, regional and field locations. •  Encourage managerial support and sponsorship of the activities of Employee Resource Groups to the extent that the support provided will benefit the FDIC’s workforce. Strategy 3 Recognize the differing priorities and needs of employees in maintaining healthy career/work-life integration. Action Items •  Seek out and adopt policies, programs and benefits that support and enhance the career and work-life integration of employees. •  Continue to encourage supervisors and employees to support and use career and work-life integration programs. Communicate and educate employees on the programs’ benefits to employee retention and increased productivity. WORKFORCE INCLUSION :: 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN | 9

12) SUSTAINABILITY GOAL 3 The FDIC will develop structures and strategies to equip leaders with the ability to manage diversity, measure results, refine approaches on the basis of such data, and institutionalize a culture of inclusion. Objective 1 Enhance diversity and inclusion analytics and reporting. Strategy 1 Make diversity and inclusion reporting more actionable through improvements in data collection, presentation and reporting frequency. Action Items •  Continue the interdivisional diversity and inclusion analytics working group to review the ongoing production of actionable management reports on diversity and inclusion, and to make recommendations for updates and improvements. •  Address data gaps related to recruitment, advancement and retention analysis. •  Enhance data analytics through enhanced reporting techniques and use of external data sources. •  Enhance OMWI’s advisory role to the leadership of FDIC divisions and offices. •  Ensure that OMWI reports progress on the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion policies and programs at least quarterly to FDIC leadership through the Diversity and Inclusion Executive Advisory Council. 10 | 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN

13) Objective 2 Demonstrate continuous leadership commitment to diversity and inclusion. Strategy 1 Tie diversity and inclusion to FDIC business success. Action Items •  Establish FDIC annual performance goals that further promote diversity and inclusion throughout the FDIC. •  Develop and implement strategies to promote accountability at all levels for cultivating a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility and fairness to enable individuals to contribute to their full potential. •  OMWI will continue to coordinate the development of diversity plans by Divisions and Offices tailored to their respective needs and challenges, and will facilitate progress reporting to the Executive Advisory Council. •  Engage senior leadership through collaboration, consultation and communication on diversity and inclusion issues impacting the FDIC through the Diversity and Inclusion Executive Advisory Council. •  Review the FDIC Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan annually and update as necessary to align with division and office level diversity plans, performance goals and other related human resource strategies to support diversity and inclusion. Strategy 2 Action Items Create opportunities for executives to demonstrate commitment to and support of diversity and inclusion in the FDIC. •  Encourage executives and managers to speak at both internal and external events that demonstrate their commitment and support of diversity and inclusion. •  Collaborate with executives and managers on the Diversity and Inclusion Education Series to broaden program perspectives to meet the needs of their divisions and offices. •  Engage employees in discussions about diversity and inclusion to allow management to gain insights and possible action items to pursue at the division and office levels. •  Identify and share diversity and inclusion best practices at the division and office levels. SUSTAINABILITY :: 2016 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN | 11

14) FDIC-006-2016