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1) Case study Sector Health care Assessment reveals $5.7M in physician revenue cycle opportunity Client challenge Integration of physician practice systems Services provided Revenue cycle assessment Results $5.7 million opportunity identified, implementation plan developed Serving patients in the U.S. Northeast, a $7 billion academic medical center health system comprises hospitals, hospital-owned physician-faculty practices and a medical school. THE CHALLENGES WHAT THE TEAM DID As a result of a recent merger, the health system needed to integrate several physician practices, including approximately 400 providers, into the existing faculty practice plan of approximately 800 providers. A variety of clinical and billing systems were being used and, in addition, it was important to improve performance integration of technology platforms. To integrate successfully, health system leaders determined it was essential to obtain an external revenue cycle assessment to identify areas of opportunity and develop an implementation plan. The health system engaged Grant Thornton LLP to conduct a revenue cycle assessment, and identify performance improvement and integration opportunities. Concurrent with the assessment, two centralized business offices (CBOs) were undergoing consolidation, as well as migrating to EpicCare for electronic medical records (EMRs). The team identified opportunities with the understanding that they would be temporarily constrained during EMR planning, and the implementation of Epic scheduling and registration. Despite these challenges, the Grant Thornton team completed the revenue cycle assessment on schedule and exceeded expectations on improvement identification. FAST FACTS Grant Thornton team identified millions in opportunity $5.7M Annualized revenue across the cycle 13% 5-7 month Implementation plan to rectify the inefficiencies

2) Case study: Assessment reveals $5.7M in physician revenue cycle opportunity The comprehensive assessment was formulated through nine on-site office reviews, interviews of key stakeholders and extensive data analytics. The team identified inefficiencies throughout the revenue cycle process, specifically: • Practice specialties and locations operated in silos with little operational integration across the system. OUTCOMES The Grant Thornton team identified $5.7 million of opportunity — approximately 13% of annualized revenue — across the revenue cycle. The potential gain encompasses coding/documentation and billing and collection activity recommendations. • The revenue cycle process lacked comprehensive management and many important functions. Based on the recommendations, Grant Thornton developed a five-to-seven-month implementation plan to rectify the inefficiencies, with the full opportunity realized over an 18-month period. • Communication between practice locations and the CBO was limited. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR CHALLENGES? • Front-end processes — including insurance verification, point-of-service collections, and scheduling/registration — varied widely across locations. • Inefficient and nonintegrated technology platforms created delays and additional work in the practices. Read “Revenue cycle improvements help assure hospital’s survival” (www.grantthornton.com/ revcyclesaves) and “Academic hospital gains best-ofpractice revenue cycle” (www.grantthornton.com/ sunyrevcycle) to see how Grant Thornton’s revenue cycle solutions has worked for other health care systems. • Avoidable write-offs and bad debt placements significantly exceeded industry standards. Have a similar challenge? Contact: Lane Jackson Partner Health Care Advisory Services T +1 704 632 3510 E lane.jackson@us.gt.com David Howard Senior Manager Health Care Advisory Services T +1 212 542 9949 E david.howard@us.gt.com After finalizing the assessment, the team provided recommendations and created a timeline for addressing key initiatives for improving the revenue cycle processes. This content is not intended to answer specific questions or suggest suitability of action in a particular case. For additional information about the issues discussed, contact a Grant Thornton LLP professional. Connect with us grantthornton.com @grantthorntonus linkd.in/grantthorntonus “Grant Thornton” refers to Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see grantthornton.com for further details. © 2015 Grant Thornton LLP  |  All rights reserved  |  U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd