1) 18 March 2016
Tips for Managing Emerging Disputes in Africa
A number of African nations are currently facing tough economic challenges,
largely as a direct result of the recent oil price collapse and the end of the
commodities super-cycle.
Africa's oil producing nations are facing a significant challenge to balance
their budgets in this challenging environment. With oil revenues accounting
for the majority of the government's budget, Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy
and biggest oil producer, has seen its growth reduce from 6.3% in 2014 to an
estimated 3.3% in 2015, according to World Bank data. Angola, another oil
exporter, has similarly seen its budget fall and GDP growth significantly slow.
Staying on Top
In response to these challenges, governments are already taking action to
revise their budgets, cut public spending and adjust their monetary and
exchange control policies to seek to manage currency depreciations and
falling foreign exchange reserves. As African governments seek to drive up
tax revenues and curb spending to plug the budget shortfall, we are seeing a
renewed focus on bribery and corruption and the informal economy, transfer
pricing, as well as an increase in regulatory action in other areas such as
environmental protection, technology and telecommunications. There have
also been proposals to review, renegotiate and/or suspend contracts or
licences with investors operating in the commodities sector to take account of
the impact of low prices. There is also a focus on local content requirements
to encourage investment in local skills and capacity building to assist in the
diversification of local economies. The increase in government intervention
and regulation has given (and is likely to continue to give rise) to a number of
disputes, both at the investor level and further down the supply chain.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Despite the downturn, growth rates in Africa
continue to outperform many other global markets and, as a result, there
remains continued interest and investment in Africa. The downturn has also
led to an increasing focus on infrastructure investment, particularly in energy
and transport, as African nations try to build infrastructure to facilitate the
growth and diversification of their economies. Although this provides
investment opportunities, the large scale and, in some cases, ambitious timeframes for the delivery of these projects is also likely to lead to disputes if
they are not delivered on time or on budget.
Top Tips for Emerging Disputes
In the face of an emerging dispute, early intervention and careful
management of the dispute are key to minimising the risk of disruption to the
business and long-term damage to reputation and relationships. In this
article, we set out our tips for staying on top when a dispute emerges.
1. Identify and preserve your rights. Do you have a leg to stand on?
a. Identify : It is important to quickly identify and assess all relevant
legal rights and remedies that may be available to you. In addition to
contractual rights and remedies arising out of any contract, you may
also have additional rights under the common law or statute.
Accordingly, it is important that you identify which laws apply,
particularly where the transaction is cross-border or involves
agreements governed by different laws.
b. Assess : Assess which claims (or defences) to pursue and consider
the time limits, known as limitation periods, applicable to any claim.
The applicable limitation periods may be found in the relevant local
laws on limitation periods and/or in the relevant contracts specifying
when and how certain rights must be exercised. If you are close to
the end of a limitation period, you will need to act quickly to preserve
any claim by filing proceedings or agreeing to a standstill agreement
with the other party to stop time running.
c. Preserve: Many claims are won or lost on documents. Documents
do not lie or forget and are often prepared close to the relevant
event at a time when a dispute was not in contemplation.
Accordingly, contemporaneous documents carry significant
evidential weight in a courtroom or arbitration hearing. It is therefore
vital that you immediately take steps to identify and secure all
documents relevant to the dispute. This includes electronic
documents, such as emails and voicemails, as well as hard copy
files. This is important for locating evidence to support your claim
and, to the extent that there are any damaging documents, to give
you the time to develop a strategy to deal with them. Consider
restricting access to, or password-protecting highly confidential
documents to protect against their wider dissemination and never
destroy or amend any relevant documents
2. Get your story straight. Too many cooks spoil the broth
a. Speak up: Once you have identified your rights, ensure that you
don’t lose them by taking any actions or making any statements that
could be construed as being inconsistent with the exercise or
reservation of those rights. Rights can be lost by a "wait and see"
approach and silence may amount to an affirmation of the contract
in some circumstances, so consider writing a reservation of rights
letter to your counterparty to indicate that you are considering your
b. Be consistent: It is important to have a strategy for all internal and
external communications about the dispute to ensure that a clear
and consistent message is being sent. This includes
communications with your counterparty, with external bodies such
as insurers or regulators and with your customers or investors.
Identify and make clear who within your organisation has the
authority to deal with the dispute, especially in large companies with
multiple contact points. If you operate in a regulated industry, it is
vitally important to additionally consider whether any potential
dispute gives rise to reporting obligations under the relevant
legislation. There are many advantages to engaging with regulators
early and it may help to minimise any penalties if you are ultimately
found to be in contravention. There may also be reputational risks to
consider, so it is important to also have a strategy for dealing with
stakeholder communications.
c. Protect communications: Take advantage of legal privilege
protections. Consider involving a lawyer at an early stage as
documents provided to a lawyer for the dominant purpose of giving
or receiving legal advice and the resulting legal advice notes are
generally protected from disclosure in legal proceedings by privilege.
Privilege can also extend to documents prepared internally for the
dominant purpose of use in contemplated legal proceedings. When
communicating with your counterparty, clearly identify those
communications that are made for the purposes of settlement
because these are likely to be covered by without prejudice
privilege, which means that they also cannot be used in any
subsequent proceedings.
Upcoming Hogan Lovells Africa
events include:
5th April - Investments in Africa:
what protections for foreign
Venue: Paris office
13 April - Middle East into Africa
Investment Forum
Venue: Palace Hotel Downtown,
Dubai, UAE
26 April - Africa Breakfast
Briefings 2016: Mobile Money and
Islamic Financing
Venue: London office
To find out more about these and
other Hogan Lovells global
events, please contact
Rashida Abdulai
Senior Associate
T: +44 20 7296 5966
Rashida Abdulai
Nathan Searle
T: +44 20 7296 5233
Nathan Searle
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Stay up-to-date with recent news
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3. Consider settlement options. Pick your battles wisely
Finally, consider your settlement options at an early stage, including whether
a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as negotiation or mediation
may be appropriate. To help you decide whether it is a battle worth fighting,
carry out a cost-benefit analysis, taking into account considerations such as
the relationship cost, financial impact, management time, delay and the
potential reputational risk of pursuing the matter to a final judgment or award.
The article is a summary of a presentation delivered by Nathan Searle and
Rashida Abdulai at the Hogan Lovells Africa Breakfast Briefing held in
London on 11 February 2016. Throughout 2016 we will be holding further
Hogan Lovells Africa Breakfast Briefings covering practical issues which are
likely to be of interest to companies with investments or operations in the
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