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1) Advanced Media and Technology Law ALERT Advertising and Promotions Law NOVEMBER 2015 On the same day that the Federal Trade Commission was holding a workshop on cross-device tracking, the advertising self-regulatory group Digital Advertising Alliance released guidance related to the cross-device collection and use of data for targeted advertising. The new guidance clarifies how the DAA’s existing principles (for online behavioral advertising, multi-site data and data collected in the mobile environment) apply to data collected and/or used across devices, such as when data collected from a particular device or browser is used with another device or browser that is linked to the browser or device on which such data was collected (or transferred to a non-affiliate) for purposes of engaging in practices that are covered by the DAA Principles. The guidance addresses the two main elements of the DAA Principles: Transparency (i.e., notice) and Consumer Control (also known as Choice, which in this context is the opportunity to opt out). The responsibilities with respect to providing Transparency and Consumer Control vary depending on whether an entity is a First Party (e.g., a web publisher or owner/operator of a mobile app) or a Third Party (e.g., ad networks and analytics companies). Transparency According to the new guidance, entities collecting Multi-Site Data (i.e., data collected from a particular computer or device regarding web viewing over time and across non-Affiliate websites) and Cross-App Data (i.e., data collected from a particular device regarding application use over time and across non-Affiliate application) from a particular browser or device for use on a different computer or device should include in the notice on their own websites “the fact that data collected from a particular browser or device may be used with another computer or device that is linked to the browser or device on which such data was collected, or transferred to a non-Affiliate for such purposes.” For Third Parties engaging in this practice, this notice should be provided on their own websites or should be accessible from or through the mobile apps from which they collect Cross-App Data. In addition, when data is collected or used on a website or through a mobile app, the First Party should provide a clear, meaningful and prominent link to a disclosure that either links to the industry-developed website or choice mechanism that provides consumer choice or that individually lists the Third Parties that are engaged in the collection of Multi-Site Data or CrossApp Data through its website or mobile app. (A website does not need to include a link in instances where the Third Party provides Transparency as required by the DAA OBA Principle II.A.2(a). This section provides that Third Parties should provide notice of the collection of data through a clear, meaningful and prominent link to a disclosure in or around the advertisement delivered on the web page where data is collected.) Consumer Control The new DAA guidance clarifies that consumers must have the ability to exercise choice (i.e., an opt-out This publication may constitute “Attorney Advertising” under the New York Rules of Professional Conduct and under the law of other jurisdictions. Los Angeles New York Chicago Nashville Washington, DC Beijing Hong Kong www.loeb.com

2) mechanism) with respect to any of the following data collection and use practices: n  he T collection of Multi-Site Data on the browser, or Cross-App Data on the device, on which choice is being exercised, for use on another computer or device that is linked with the browser or device on which the choice is being exercised. n  he T use of Multi-Site Data or Cross-App Data on the browser or device on which choice is being exercised, when that data was collected on another computer or device that is linked with the browser or device on which choice is being exercised. n  he T transfer to a non-Affiliate of Multi-Site Data and/ or Cross-App Data collected from the browser or device on which choice is being exercised. For questions about the DAA self-regulatory program, please contact Brian Nixon or any member of the Advanced Media and Technology Department. This alert is a publication of Loeb & Loeb and is intended to provide information on recent legal developments. This alert does not create or continue an attorney client relationship nor should it be construed as legal advice or an opinion on specific situations. © 2015 Loeb & Loeb LLP. All rights reserved. Advanced Media and Technology Practice KENNETH A. ADLER kadler@loeb.com 212.407.4284 DAVID G. MALLEN dmallen@loeb.com 212.407.4286 ELIZABETH J. ALLEN eallen@loeb.com 312.464.3102 DOUGLAS N. MASTERS dmasters@loeb.com 312.464.3144 AMIR AZARAN aazaran@loeb.com 312.464.3330 NERISSA COYLE MCGINN nmcginn@loeb.com 312.464.3130 IVY KAGAN BIERMAN ibierman@loeb.com 310.282.2327 ANNE KENNEDY MCGUIRE amcguire@loeb.com 212.407.4143 ccarbone@loeb.com 212.407.4852 DANIEL G. MURPHY dmurphy@loeb.com 310.282.2215 mchamlin@loeb.com 212.407.4855 BRIAN NIXON bnixon@loeb.com 202.618.5013 mcharendoff@loeb.com 212.407.4069 ELISABETH O'NEILL loneill@loeb.com 312.464.3149 aclarke@loeb.com 310.282.22240 spaik@loeb.com 312.464.3119 pdownes@loeb.com 310.282.2352 KELI M. ROGERS-LOPEZ krogers-lopez@loeb.com 310.282.2306 cemanuel@loeb.com 310.282.2262 SETH A. ROSE srose@loeb.com 312.464.3177 kflorin@loeb.com 212.407.4966 JULIE E. RUBASH jrubash@loeb.com 310.282.2252 dfrohling@loeb.com 312.464.3122 ROBERT MICHAEL SANCHEZ rsanchez@loeb.com 212.407.4173 DAVID W. GRACE dgrace@loeb.com 310.282.2108 ALISON SCHWARTZ aschwartz@loeb.com 312.464.3169 NATHAN J. HOLE nhole@loeb.com 312.464.3110 MEREDITH SILLER msiller@loeb.com 310.282.2294 mhoward@loeb.com 310.282.2143 BARRY I. SLOTNICK bslotnick@loeb.com 212.407.4162 tjirgal@loeb.com 312.464.3150 BRIAN R. SOCOLOW bsocolow@loeb.com 212.407.4872 ijolly@loeb.com 212.407.4810 AKIBA STERN astern@loeb.com 212.407.4235 ckaplan@loeb.com 212.407.4142 JAMES D. TAYLOR jtaylor@loeb.com 212.407.4895 ELIZABETH H. KIM ekim@loeb.com 212.407.4928 JILL WESTMORELAND jwestmoreland@loeb.com 212.407.4019 JANICE D. KUBOW jkubow@loeb.com 212.407.4191 DEBRA A. WHITE dwhite@loeb.com 212.407.4216 jblee@loeb.com 212.407.4073 MICHAEL P. ZWEIG mzweig@loeb.com 212.407.4960 sliebman@loeb.com 212.407.4838 CHRISTIAN D. CARBONE MARC CHAMLIN MEG CHARENDOFF ALESON CLARKE PATRICK N. DOWNES CRAIG A. EMANUEL KENNETH R. FLORIN DANIEL D. FROHLING MELANIE J. HOWARD THOMAS P. JIRGAL IEUAN JOLLY CAROL M. KAPLAN JESSICA B. LEE SCOTT S. LIEBMAN SUE K. PAIK