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2) Clinical Healthcare Compliance SIGNIFICANT DOLLARS MAY BE RECOUPED BY MEDICARE AND MEDICAID COMPLIANCE AUDITS AND REVIEWS; NUMEROUS CITATIONS ARE BEING WRITTEN SECONDARY TO FOCUS SURVEYS. DON’T BE PART OF THOSE RESULTS: INVITE MARCUM LLP CLINICAL STAFF TO REVIEW YOUR CLINICAL RECORDS! Marcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the nation, with offices in major business markets throughout the U.S., Grand Cayman and China. Headquartered in New York City, Marcum provides a full spectrum of traditional tax, accounting and assurance services; advisory, valuation and litigation support; and an extensive range of specialty and niche industry practices. The Firm serves both privately held and publicly traded companies, as well as high net worth individuals, private equity and hedge funds, with a focus on middle-market companies and closely held family businesses. Marcum is a member of the Marcum Group, an organization providing a comprehensive array of professional services. Marcum’s clinical staff will review a sample of your facility’s medical records, either on-site or remotely, to ensure that there is supportive documentation for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, that staff is in compliance with federal and state guidelines, and that staff understands their role in state on-site surveys. Facility preparedness for the various new focus surveys can also be determined during an on-site visit. At the end of Marcum’s visit, the facility will know the areas that need improvement to ensure positive outcomes from an audit or survey. In addition, suggestions for education and preparation of staff will be offered. Marcum’s clinical team is available to conduct a variety of educational programs for all levels of staff in your facility. Marcum offers many other services to prepare skilled nursing facilities for the plethora of surveys that occur in this environment. We can assist you with: n n n n n n Mock Audits. Mock Surveys. Assistance with the RAI process. Assistance with appeals and responses to ADR. CNA training in particular as it relates to ADL documentation. General survey preparation: what to expect, how to respond to interview questions, etc. Contact [Group] at 847.282.6330 to discuss an on-site visit. ABOUT STEVEN LAVENDA Steven Lavenda is a partner in the Advisory Services Division and a member of the Healthcare Practice group. He joined Marcum in 2015 via the Firm's merger with Frost, Ruttenberg, & Rothblatt P .C., one of the largest full-service accounting firms in the Chicago region. www.marcumllp.com