February 05, 2016
Christopher P. Wells, Tomoko Fuminaga
Final text of the Regulations with respect to the Amendments promulgated has been released as well as the
Response to the public comments.
On February 3, the Financial Services Agency of Japan (Japan FSA) promulgated the ï¬nal form of the
Enforcement Orders, Cabinet Ordinances, and Supervisory Guidelines in connection with amendments
(Amendments) to the Special Business Activities for Qualiï¬ed Institutional Investors (the Article 63
Exemption) as set forth under Article 63 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. In
addition, the Japan FSA circulated its responses (Responses) to the public comments that it received
regarding the proposed amendments to the Article 63 Exemption. Please see our previous LawFlashes for
background on this topic: Proposed Amendments to the Article 63 Exemption of the FIEA of Japan and
Japan FSA Publishes Draft Enforcement Orders, Cabinet Ordinances, and Supervisory Guidelines for
Article 63 Exemption.
This LawFlash is the third in a series of alerts that we will issue regarding the Amendments and Responses.
The Responses that the Japan FSA issued are extensive (comprising 145 pages of nuanced commentary)
and cover a wide range of both legal and practical changes related to the Amendments’ implementation.
The series of LawFlashes is intended to cover the topics that we believe are of immediate interest to clients
located in foreign jurisdictions.
Among other important matters covered in the Responses, the Japan FSA provided further information
about the requirement that offshore ï¬lers under the Article 63 Exemption (Article 63 Exemption
Operators) maintain a “Japan representative.” This issue has been a source of great concern to many
offshore fund managers that have relied on Article 63 Exemption to engage in both their “self-offering” and
“self-management” activities with respect to Japan investors.
Concerning the Japan representative, the Japan FSA commented that offshore Article 63 Exemption
Operators will be expected to have a Japan representative that is responsible for proper and efficient
communications with Japan regulators. The Japan FSA noted, however, that it will not be necessary for the
offshore Article 63 Exemption Operators to establish a physical presence or situate personnel in Japan.
2) Thus, as long as the regulators can immediately and adequately communicate with an offshore Article 63
Exemption Operator through such Japan representative, any person who is a resident in Japan may serve as
the Japan representative for the offshore Article 63 Exemption Operator.
The Responses also noted that appropriate professional service providers, such as lawyers and certiï¬ed
public accountants, as well as affiliated companies with presences in Japan, ï¬nancial instruments, business
operators, independent advisers, and translators may be appointed to serve as a Japan representative of the
offshore Article 63 Exemption Operator.
According to the Japan FSA, the Amendments will take effect on March 1, 2016, and any new applicants
ï¬ling under the Article 63 Exemption subsequent to March 1, 2016, and any existing Article 63 Exemption
Operator that starts solicitation on or subsequent to March 1, 2016, must do so under the new regime.
Existing Article 63 Exemption Operators can continuously provide self-management services to existing
clients. However, please note that, with respect to those Article 63 Exemption Operators that have ï¬led
prior to March 1, 2016, there is a grace period lasting until August 31, 2016, in which Article 63 Exemption
Operators must supplement any existing notiï¬cations with respect to the additional information required
by the Amendments.
he Tokyo investment management practice of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP/Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Law
Offices (Foreign Law Joint Enterprise) is currently reviewing the Responses in greater detail and expects to
issue further LawFlashes on this topic later in February.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the issues discussed in this LawFlash, please
contact any of the following Morgan Lewis lawyers:
Christopher P. Wells
Tomoko Fuminaga
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