1) Insight Article
Are You Monitoring Your Advertising Purchases for Proper Taxability?
By Craig Cookle, Partner – State and Local Tax Services, Wipfli LLP
February 2016
How closely do you monitor your advertising-related purchases for
compliance with state sales and use tax laws? Advertising-related
purchases are facing increased scrutiny during sales and use tax
audit examinations. How confident are you that your advertising
company is properly charging you sales tax on the items you
purchase from it? Where might you have potential use tax exposure
issues? Are you missing potential sales tax exemptions and
overpaying sales tax on certain exempt purchases from your
advertising vendor?
Overview of Purchases
Purchases from advertising companies generally fall into two
separate buckets. The first bucket contains the purchase of tangible
personal property, which can include books, brochures, business
cards, catalogs, finished artwork, photographs, promotional
giveaways, signs, and trade show booths, to name a few. The
second bucket contains the purchase of services, which can include
creation and development of websites, company branding services or
advertising themes, production of radio or television commercials,
obtaining media space and time, and email blasts.
Method of Delivery
Now ask yourself these questions: How did you receive the tangible
personal property from your advertising vendor(s)? Was the property
delivered electronically versus hard copy or on a disk? If you have
multistate operations, at which location was the property received? Is
the object of the transaction truly to receive the service or rather the
tangible personal property?
All of the questions above are extremely important to ask yourself
when evaluating whether the purchase invoices from your advertising
companies have been properly charged state sales tax and whether
use tax might be due.
Tangible Personal Property
In almost all states that have sales and use tax, the purchase of
tangible personal property received in hard copy (i.e., books,
business cards, signs, promotional giveaways) format is generally
subject to sales tax. However, many states have specific exemptions
when it comes to the purchase of catalogs that are used to advertise
the products sold by a company within or outside the state. For
example, Wisconsin exempts from sales and use tax the purchase of
catalogs designed to advertise the company’s products/services that
are stitched or stapled together. It does not matter if the catalogs are
used in or outside the state of Wisconsin because both uses are
exempt from Wisconsin sales and use tax. Be careful. A common
use tax audit adjustment we see is when companies do not selfassess use tax on catalogs or brochures consumed based on the
state(s) they are shipped to. State revenue auditors will make
inquiries about whether any printed promotional items were shipped
into their state when no tax was previously paid. Generally, a
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company is liable for use tax only if the company has nexus in the
destination state.
Digital Products
Many products sold years ago that were delivered in a tangible
format are now sent and delivered electronically over the Internet.
Examples include books, brochures, photographs, and finished
artwork, to name a few. Many taxpayers may not be aware of
Streamlined Sales Tax (SST). SST focuses on improving sales and
use tax administrations systems for all sellers through uniformity in
tax base definitions and uniform state and local sales tax collections.
SST has 23 full member states including Iowa, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. SST provides a
common definition for digital goods. Digital goods are characterized
by the fact that they are transferred electronically to the purchaser
(i.e., accessed or obtained by the purchaser by means other than
tangible storage media).
Certain states like Minnesota and Wisconsin impose sales and use
tax on digital products delivered to customers over the Internet.
However, certain states such as Iowa and Michigan do not impose
sales and use tax on digital products transferred to a purchaser.
Outside of the 23 member states that have adopted SST, the
taxability of products delivered to customers electronically varies
from state to state. Often the location in which a digital product is
received ultimately determines the taxability of the purchased item.
Songs or videos are generally sourced to the location of the
purchaser at the time of sale and would be taxable to the extent a
state imposes sales and use tax on this type of transaction. In certain
situations when the delivery location is not known to the seller, the
sale may be sourced using the billing address of the customer.
The taxability of services varies greatly from state to state. Many
states have specific statutes or regulations that impose sales tax on
certain enumerated services provided by advertising companies. For
example, the production of a radio or television commercial delivered
to a Wisconsin location is subject to sales tax. The production of the
same radio or television commercial in Illinois and delivered to an
Illinois location is not subject to sales and use tax because it does
not involve the transfer of tangible personal property.
Generally, when obtaining media space and time, most states will not
impose sales and use tax on this type of transaction. We have seen
numerous state auditors erroneously attempt to tax the purchase of
space in coupon inserts as the purchase of taxable inserts. When it
comes to developing advertising themes/branding services, most
states will not impose sales and use tax on this arrangement as long
no tangible personal property is provided to the customer with the
service. One state that would likely be the exception to this is New
Mexico. New Mexico generally taxes all receipts derived from
2) Insight Article
performing services in the state, including advertising-related
The taxability of engaging an outside party to send email blasts to
customers or potential prospects will vary from state to state.
Wisconsin taxes email blasts as a taxable telecommunication
service. The struggle companies currently have is determining to
which states those email blasts are sent. Many times documentation
identifying where the emails were sent (breakdown by state) is not
readily available or cannot be produced after the fact. In those
situations, a state such as Wisconsin could tax the entire transaction
if the invoice bill-to address is in Wisconsin and no information is
available to show the percentage of emails delivered to a Wisconsin
address versus an out-of-state address.
A similar taxability issue comes up when we talk about engaging an
outside party to send electronic newsletters to clients or prospects. A
state that imposes tax on the delivery of electronic newsletters may
attempt to tax the entire transaction unless information is available to
show to which states those newsletters were delivered.
State Tax Collection by Advertising Companies
Many advertising companies are registered exclusively in their home
state. You should not assume that the transaction is exempt if you do
not see tax charged by the vendor. If you utilized an out-of-state
vendor, you may need to self-assess use if the transaction is taxable
in your state.
© Wipfli LLP
Sales and use tax issues can be complex when making purchases of
advertising-related products and services from outside parties. In
certain situations, significant exposure issues may exist upon audit if
not properly addressed at the time of purchase. Wipfli LLP has the
expert resources to help you deal with advertising-related purchases.
If you have any questions about the procedures your business
currently has in place when it comes to reviewing advertising servicerelated transactions, Wipfli can help.
About the Author
Craig Cookle brings over 26 years of state and local tax experience
to his clients. Prior to joining Wipfli in 2005, Craig was the director of
the Wisconsin sales and use tax practice of a national accounting
firm. Prior to that, he was a field auditor with the Wisconsin
Department of Revenue. This knowledge and experience enables
him to consistently provide value to his clients in terms of state and
local tax savings and efficient resolution of state audits. He can be
reached at 414.431.9383 or ccookle@wipfli.com.
About Wipfli LLP
With associates and offices across the United States, Wipfli ranks
among the top accounting and consulting firms in the nation. The
firm’s associates have the expertise, skills, and experience to advise
in areas from assurance and accounting to tax and consulting
services. In addition, through the firm’s membership in Allinial Global,
Wipfli can draw upon the resources of firms in over 100 countries
from around the world. For more information, visit www.wipfli.com.