1) Insight Article
Need a Service Provider for Your Employee Benefit Plan? Proceed With
By Melissa Fisher, Senior Manager
March 2016
Business owners are generally responsible for ensuring their 401(k)
plans and other types of retirement plans comply with federal law.
That includes the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
To help carry out such responsibilities, owners often rely heavily on
service providers to assist in controlling, managing, and overseeing
plans and their investments.
Under ERISA, a fiduciary is any person or entity exercising any
authority or control over the plan’s assets. They may provide
investment advice for compensation or be an entity that exercises
discretionary authority or control over the plan’s management. They
may have discretionary authority or responsibility over plan
ï‚· Present each prospective service provider with identical and
complete information regarding the needs of your plan. You may
want to get formal bids from those providers that seem best
suited to your needs.
ï‚· Ask each prospective provider to be specific about which
services are covered for the estimated fees and which are not.
Compare the information you receive, including fees and
expenses to be charged by the various providers for similar
services. Plan fiduciaries are not required to pick the least costly
provider. Cost is only one factor to be considered in selecting a
service provider.
− When comparing estimates from prospective service
providers, ask which services are covered for the estimated
fees and which are not. Some providers offer a number of
services for one fee, sometimes referred to as a “bundled”
services arrangement. Others charge separately for individual
services. Compare all services to be provided with the total
cost for each provider. Consider whether the estimate
includes services you did not specify or want. Remember, all
services have costs.
A plan must have at least one fiduciary (person or entity) named in
the written plan. The fiduciary could also be a committee or the board
of directors.
Because of the importance of their responsibilities, fiduciaries are
subject to certain standards of conduct. They must act solely in the
interest of plan participants and beneficiaries, with the exclusive
purpose of providing benefits while paying reasonable expenses to
administer the plan.
Estimates should include a description of all compensation
related to the services to be provided that the service
providers expect to receive directly from the plan, as well as
the compensation they expect to receive from other sources.
The law also describes the need to act with the care, skill, prudence,
and diligence under circumstances that a prudent person acting in a
like capacity and familiar with such matters would use.
Thus, prudence is the focus of the process of making fiduciary
decisions. Given this definition, it is wise to document all plan
decisions and the basis for those decisions. That includes hiring any
plan service provider. A fiduciary may want to survey a number of
potential providers, ask for the same information, and provide the
same requirements. This would reflect prudence, allowing the
fiduciary to document the process and make a meaningful
comparison and selection.
If the service provider will handle plan assets, make sure the
provider has a fidelity bond (a type of insurance that protects the
plan against loss resulting from fraudulent or dishonest acts).
If a service provider must be licensed (attorneys, accountants,
investment managers or advisors), check with state or federal
licensing authorities to confirm the provider has an up-to-date
license and whether there are any complaints pending against
the provider.
Choosing With Care
Understand what obligations both you and the service provider
have under the agreement and whether the fees and expenses
to be charged to you and plan participants are reasonable in
light of the services to be provided.
Prepare a written record of the process you followed in
reviewing potential service providers and the reasons for your
selection of a particular provider. This record may be helpful in
answering any future questions that may arise concerning your
Obtain a commitment from your service provider to regularly
provide you with information regarding the services it provides.
When selecting service providers, Wipfli and the Employee Benefits
Security Administration offer these helpful tips:
ï‚· Consider what services you need for your plan: legal,
accounting, trustee/custodial, recordkeeping, investment
management, investment education, or advice.
ï‚· Ask service providers about their services, experience with
employee benefit plans, fees and expenses, customer
references, or other information relating to the quality of their
services and customer satisfaction with such services. Be sure
you know who you will be working with.
© Wipfli LLP
2) Insight Article
Periodically review the performance of your service providers to
ensure they are providing the services in a manner and at a cost
consistent with the agreements.
Review plan participant comments or any complaints about the
services and periodically ask whether there have been any
changes in the information you received from the service
provider prior to hiring.
Be Prudent
Choosing a service provider is one of the most important fiduciary
responsibilities business owners can make. By using the guidelines
above, you can establish a strong foundation for a successful
© Wipfli LLP
About the Author
Melissa Fisher is a senior manager in Wipfli’s audit and accounting
practice. She specializes in employee benefit plan engagements, film
tax credit compliance, and private equity and hedge funds. Contact
Melissa at 484.445.0564, or email her at mfisher@wipfli.com.
About Wipfli LLP
With associates and offices across the United States, Wipfli ranks
among the top accounting and consulting firms in the nation. The
firm’s associates have the expertise, skills, and experience to advise
in areas from assurance and accounting to tax and consulting
services. In addition, through the firm’s membership in Allinial Global,
Wipfli can draw upon the resources of firms in over 100 countries
from around the world. For more information, visit www.wipfli.com.