PROGRAM FEATURES Ameritas Retirement Plans
A division of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Investment Advisory Services offered through affiliate Ameritas
Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC.
RP 1937 10-13
For Investment Advisory Representative and Plan Sponsor Use Only.
A retirement plan rewards you, your
employees and your business. It’s a
commitment that may give your business a
competitive advantage. We are committed
to helping you tailor a plan that meets
your business needs, supports your goals,
and benefits your employees.
There are many retirement plan designs to consider. Which one will work
well for your organization? Ameritas Retirement Plans will help you explore
your options.
Consultative Services
Finding a plan design that is well suited to your business is an important
first step. Ameritas Retirement Plans can design a full-service retirement
plan with your goals in mind. Our knowledgeable team of conversion
specialists helps make the transition from your current provider smooth
and virtually seamless. Next, experienced administration specialists
work closely with our client relationship managers and client service
representatives to provide attentive service and comprehensive
administrative services.
The Full Spectrum
We work with you to deliver an affordable retirement program to
complement your business goals and strategic objectives. Our integrated
approach spans the retirement plan design spectrum—from a traditional
401(k) plan to a more contemporary option, such as combining a 401(k)
with a cash balance plan to allow for additional contributions and benefits.
Our goal is to make a complex program simple for you.
Plan Sponsor Services
The full range of services delivered by our staff of experienced professionals
helps make it easier for businesses to offer a retirement plan. We focus on
areas plan sponsors consider important:
• Simplicity
• Timely, accurate recordkeeping and plan compliance
• Responsive customer service
• A comprehensive fiduciary and due diligence program
Plan Participant Services
From the personal assistance of our knowledgeable professionals to online
educational resources, we help plan participants save for retirement
during their “accumulation phase.” Having services and resources readily
available 24/7 allows your employees to concentrate more on their job
responsibilities which contributes to the success of your business.
We understand the importance of a good
fit—a retirement plan that has all the
elements you are looking for and perhaps
a few you may not even be aware of. Not
just any plan will do. You need a plan that
offers design flexibility. One that works
well for a unique business like yours.
Whether you are a well-established business with a retirement plan or a
budding entrepreneur looking for a plan, we can work together to come up
with a plan that suits your needs. Tell us about the features you’re interested
in and we’ll tell you about plan designs to satisfy them. Our consultative
approach gives you many options to consider.
Traditional 401(k)
This is the most popular employer-sponsored retirement plan for private
companies. Plan participants can make pre-tax contributions. Employers
have the option to match contributions and may also offer the option of a
Roth 401(k).
Safe Harbor 401(k)
This plan design can help highly-compensated employees maximize their
salary deferrals without the sometimes problematic nondiscrimination
testing requirements. A Safe Harbor 401(k) has the potential to create more
deferral opportunity and motivate participants with its mandatory employer
contribution. A Roth 401(k) is also an option for this plan.
New Comparability Plan
Employers can maximize contributions to a targeted group, such as highlypaid employees, with this plan. It allows different benefit structures
for different employee groups. In order for such a plan to meet
nondiscrimination requirements, certain minimum contributions are
required for all benefiting employees.
Cash Balance Plan
This is a type of defined benefit plan that functions similarly to a profit
sharing plan. Each participant has a hypothetical account. This account is
not allocated within the trust. Instead, recordkeeping is done separately by
the plan actuary as an accounting function.
Contributions are required with a Cash Balance Plan. Advantages include:
• Plan sponsors can define their contributions
• Deductible contributions are substantially higher than in a defined
contribution plan, such as a 401(k)
457(b) Plan
Employees of states, municipalities, political subdivisions or agencies can
participate in this deferred compensation plan to save for retirement.
By adding a bit of a twist to the
traditional retirement plan, the
Advantage Advisory Program
delivers new opportunities for
how employees can manage
their money for retirement.
The Advantage Advisory Program
The traditional 401(k) has proven to be a smart choice for most businesses
offering a retirement plan. You like its design features, but you want
something more.
How about the Advantage Advisory Program? It features:
• Recordkeeping and compliance services offered through Ameritas
Retirement Plans and
• Investment advisory services offered through Ameritas Investment
Corp. (AIC).
Program Features
Investment Advisory Services
The program’s fresh, transparent approach gives you the support of AIC as an
ERISA section 3(21)(a) fiduciary. In this advisory capacity:
• AIC’s investment professionals select and monitor the funds using a
documented and consistent process. Select from 150+ funds based on
expense components, investment objectives, or a combination of both.
• AIC oversees the asset allocation model portfolios. An investor questionnaire
helps participants determine their investment profile and directs them to one
of five asset allocation models. It can make investing for retirement as simple
as “checking a box.”
One of the key responsibilities of a plan fiduciary is to maintain an Investment
Policy Statement. This statement provides the guidelines for a plan fiduciary
when monitoring the plan’s investment lineup. AIC can provide assistance in
creating this important document.
As the plan sponsor, you can feel confident knowing that AIC provides
investment advice about the investments offered in your plan through
the advisory asset allocation models you can use with your participants.
Investment Line-up
A wide range of investment options are available to help your participants fulfill
their retirement savings goals.
• Choose from more than 150 diversified funds, including index funds, actively
managed funds, and target date funds.
• Opt for the Guaranteed Investment Account that is available through a group
annuity contract from Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Note: Any 12b-1 fees collected are credited back to an ERISA Fee Account for
the plan sponsor to use.
7) 1
Asset Allocation Models
Participants can identify their retirement goals and risk tolerance. By
analyzing the results of a simple, yet sophisticated, investor questionnaire,
participants can proactively select an asset allocation model portfolio that
is designed to suit their retirement savings goals. The plan’s advisor provides
educational assistance and insightful perspectives to help participants select
their appropriate model. There are five models.
Designed for investors who are seeking current income
while providing nominal capital appreciation and a low
tolerance for risk.
Designed for investors who are seeking stability of capital
with nominal growth and a low tolerance for risk.
Designed for investors who are seeking stability of capital
with moderate growth and an average tolerance for risk.
Designed for investors who are seeking capital appreciation
over a long-term investment horizon with an above average
tolerance for risk.
Designed for investors who are seeking capital appreciation
over a long-term investment horizon with a strong
tolerance for risk.
Fund Mapping
Converting your plan to the Advantage Advisory Program is made easier
with fund mapping. It provides continuity and helps reduce errors. Ameritas
Investment Corp. uses a detailed process to transfer or “map” an investment
option in your current plan to a similar option in our investment platform.
The match is based on fund strategy and objectives, risk profile, holdings,
and long-term performance potential.
Model portfolios and investment portfolios are not guaranteed and may lose value.
9) Fiduciary Assistance
Fiduciary Resources Guide
This guide helps plan sponsors manage their fiduciary responsibilities.
It includes information on ERISA section 404(c) compliance, a sample
investment policy statement, a simplified plan review checklist, and
other sample documentation.
Document Review
Ameritas Retirement Plans’ ERISA Plan Services is responsible for the
maintenance of our plan documents. They review and comply with the
regulatory standards of both the IRS and Department of Labor.
Compliance Testing
We work closely with plan sponsors to educate them about the
importance of the regulatory testing needed to satisfy the requirements
of a qualified plan.
Educational Resources and Enrollment Support
Enrollment Guide
A customized Enrollment Guide offers informative tips, fund fact sheets,
and on-site enrollment forms. It also contains investor profiles and model
portfolios as part of AIC’s investment advisory services.
Online Learning
Educational modules help participants learn about the ins and outs of
planning and saving for their retirement. These, along with investment
calculators and other tools, illustrate basic investing and savings principles.
Account Access
Participants’ statements are always available on our website (retire.
ameritas.com). Here plan participants can conduct transactions at their
Ongoing Communication
Your Financial Future*, a quarterly newsletter for plan participants, offers
tips for both the novice and the savvy investor. Plan Sponsor Outlook*
reports on trends, highlights new studies, and covers other topics of
interest to plan sponsors.
*Your Financial Future and Plan Sponsor Outlook are third-party publications.
To keep your retirement plan
on track and running smoothly,
Ameritas Retirement Plans
assists with such key services
as recordkeeping, compliance,
fiduciary assistance and
participant education.
“Mutual. Strong. Trusted. Partners for
your future.” That’s our vision. It conveys
building long-term trusted relationships
and keeping our promises. Count on us to
always conduct ourselves in
your best interests.
The Financial Strength to Deliver on Our Promises
The retirement plans division of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. and
Ameritas Investment Corp. (AIC) are affiliates of Ameritas Mutual Holding
Company. As a mutual organization, we always put customers first.
With our long-standing financial strength, we’ve established a tradition
of delivering the very best in products and services generation after
generation. Though we’re proud of our group ratings from Standard &
Poor’s and A.M. Best Company, we measure our success by how many
people we’ve helped. By how many promises kept. That’s the true measure
of who we are.
We offer a wide range of insurance and financial products and
services to individuals, families and businesses. As of December 31,
2012, these products and services included: life insurance; annuities;
individual disability income insurance; group dental, vision and hearing
care insurance; retirement plans; investments; mutual funds; asset
management; banking and public finance.
Financial Highlights as of December 31, 2012
• Total members’ equity at a record $2.5 billion
• Total assets under management at $32.3 billion
• Total GAAP revenues of $2.0 billion
• Total GAAP assets reached $18.5 billion
• Claims payments to policyholders totaled $2.0 billion
Strong and Stable Ratings
Best’s Rating Report and Standard & Poor’s Full Analysis Report are available
in the ratings section of ameritas.com.
Standard & Poor’s
A+ (Strong) for insurer financial strength. This is the fifth highest of
Standard & Poor’s 21 ratings.
A. M. Best Company
A (Excellent) for financial strength and operating performance. This is
the third highest of A. M. Best’s 15 ratings.
Insurance company ratings do not apply to assets in the variable investment options.
11) Advantage Advisory Program
This program unites the recordkeeping and compliance services of
Ameritas Retirement Plans with the investment advisory services of
Ameritas Investment Corp.
Ameritas Retirement Plans
For more than 50 years, we have been building trusted retirement plan
relationships one client at a time. We are anxious to earn your respect and
trust, too. Our representatives and associates take pride in their personal
service and attention to detail. From traditional 401(k) and Safe Harbor plans
to New Comparability and Cash Balance plans, Ameritas Retirement Plans
designs full-service retirement plans with the client’s goals in mind.
Highlights as of December 31, 2012:
• Total assets: $6.0 billion (includes full service and recordkeeping assets)
• Combined asset persistency: Greater than 91.2%
• Number of plans: More than 3,285
• Servicing retirement plans for more than half a century
Home office: Lincoln, Nebraska
Client Services office: Cincinnati, Ohio
Ameritas Investment Corp.
Ameritas Investment Corp. (AIC), member FINRA/SIPC, is a duly registered
federal investment advisor and broker/dealer. With more than $15 billion
in investments and assets under management, AIC offers a wide range of
products and services to help our clients achieve their unique financial
goals. Through an AIC representative, clients can utilize a diversified offering
of stocks and bonds, mutual funds, fixed-income securities, and managed
accounts to help meet their financial objectives or receive investment advice
from their registered investment advisor representatives.
AIC, a dsubsidiary of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., is a broker/dealer with
a nationwide network of registered representatives and investment advisor
With over 25 years in the business, AIC is an experienced provider. Our team
of seasoned, back office professionals process new business efficiently and
support the needs of our financial professionals.
• Principal offices:
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bethesda, Maryland
Cincinnati, Ohio
12) Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
Ameritas Investment Corp.
5900 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
This information is provided by Ameritas®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of
Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to: Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.,
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York, The Union Central Life Insurance Company, and
Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is not licensed
in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual
obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit ameritas.com.
Ameritas® and the bison design are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life® is a registered service mark of
Ameritas Holding Company.
©2013 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company
For Investment Advisory Representative and Plan Sponsor Use Only.