Education, Outreach and Market Leadership

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1) Education, Outreach and Market Leadership The MSRB engages in education, outreach and market leadership to advance the mission of the MSRB by enhancing market understanding and maintaining the MSRB’s reputation as a key municipal market regulator. As a selfregulatory organization, the MSRB relies on municipal market participants and other stakeholders to provide input that informs the rulemaking process. At the same time, the MSRB seeks to ensure that these stakeholders are aware of regulatory developments that may affect them. Education Providing educational content is fundamental to the MSRB’s mission to protect investors, state and local government issuers, and other municipal entities. Read more about the MSRB’s education program. Outreach The MSRB’s outreach events strengthen relationships between the MSRB and municipal market stakeholders and demonstrate the MSRB’s commitment to fair, thorough and transparent processes in the way the organization is run. Learn more about upcoming outreach events. Market Leadership The MSRB’s market leadership activities facilitate discussions and problem-solving among municipal market stakeholders to address challenges in the municipal market, advocate solutions and influence best market practices by providing strategic thought leadership for the industry. The MSRB stays apprised of issues and events affecting the municipal market and acts within its jurisdiction to address them when needed. The MSRB's marketmonitoring efforts help ensure that MSRB initiatives appropriately address challenges and are relevant to market conditions. The MSRB often lends expertise to other regulators whose jurisdiction includes aspects of the municipal market with the goal of providing an important perspective with which to make policy decisions. Through its legislative and intergovernmental affairs activities, the MSRB provides Congressional members and their staff and other policymakers with updates, insights, technical analysis and support on municipal finance issues. MSRB Education Program Tell us your ideas for education materials to enhance market knowledge, MSRB rule compliance and the use of EMMA.