Media & Communications – Defamation, right of publicity, and false advertising

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1) Media & Communications in Intellectual Property Defamation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, and false advertising used to concern only newspapers, Leadership broadcasters, and other traditional media. Now every company with a website—i.e., every company—is a publisher and an advertiser, as is every individual with a blog, Twitter account, or Facebook page. Our attorneys have broad experience helping clients navigate through the many issues confronting both traditional and new media. Representative Services: Erik W. Kahn (Leader) Partner New York, New York erik.kahn@bryancave.com We have extensive experience in media law issues, such as defending local, national, and international publishers, cable companies, broadcasters, production companies, and other content creators in defamation, privacy, right of publicity, false advertising, and First Daniel A. Crowe Amendment lawsuits and in seeking access to (Deputy Leader) meetings, information, and evidence pursuant to Partner St. Louis, Missouri Sunshine, Open Meetings, and Open Records Laws dacrowe@bryancave.com and Freedom of Information Acts. Page 1 of 2

2) Our attorneys represent a wide variety of digital media companies in connection with their litigation, intellectual property, licensing, and transactional needs. These clients include internet service providers, web portals, digital game developers, websites, social networks, website designers, technology providers, and advertising agencies, as well as authors, artists, entertainers, museums, and foundations. Please visit our IP Licensing Experience page for a list of representative matters. We provide pre-publication review, libel clearance, and advertising clearance to traditional and web-based publishers, broadcasters, advertising agencies, production companies, and other content providers. We counsel publishing, cable, and broadcast clients on special issues, such as reporter’s privilege and related subpoena defense and compliance with Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission regulations. Our firm has represented plaintiffs and defendants in state and federal court on a variety of “fair use” matters concerning parodies, false endorsement claims, and other issues along the borders of the First Amendment. We draft, review, negotiate, and litigate publishing, cable, broadcasting, and on-air talent agreements. Our lawyers chair Bryan Cave’s Internet & New Media team, are active members of the Art Law and Entertainment & Media teams, and have experience in a variety of related legal areas, from enforcing 'moral rights' under the Visual Artists Rights Act to advising companies on employment and other issues arising out of their employees’ use of Twitter, Facebook, and the like. Page 2 of 2