The Bangladesh bank hack
and compliance programmes
A cyber heist in February 2016 saw
unknown hackers make off with
over $100 million from Bangladesh’s
central bank; the losses could have
been even more substantial if it
hadn’t been for the actions of other
banks who blocked 31 of the
attempted wire transfers made by
the hackers due to money
laundering suspicions. Michael L.
Yaeger, Melissa G.R. Goldstein and
Kimberly G. Monty of Schulte Roth
& Zabel LLP detail how this attack
took place, and discuss the cyber
security lessons to be learned,
which include pointers on how
compliance programmes in other
areas, such as AML, might be used
to bolster cyber security practices.
This past February, hackers robbed
more than $100 million from
Bangladesh’s central bank using
stolen credentials to authenticate
their fraudulent wire transfers.
Predictably (and appropriately),
much of the public discussion
following the attack has focused on
technological improvements such
as software updates. Yet a robust
cyber security programme is not
just about technological controls: it
should also include administrative
procedures. As the saying goes,
security is not a product, but a
process. And the Bangladesh cyber
heist illustrates that banks can
improve that process by drawing
from their other compliance
efforts, such as their anti-money
laundering (‘AML’) programme. In
fact, as bad as Bangladesh’s loss
was, it would have lost an
additional $869 million if other
banks had not blocked 31 of the
hackers’ wire transfers due to
suspicions of money laundering.
As banks face increasingly frequent
and sophisticated cyber attacks, it
is worth considering if further
improvements to AML
programmes and international
AML regulations would also
improve banks’ security.
Bank robbery in the 21st
Late on 5 February 2016, hackers
attempted to siphon $950 million
from an account of Bangladesh’s
central bank, the Bank of
Bangladesh, held at the New York
Bank for the Federal Reserve (the
‘New York Fed’), through a series
of 35 fraudulent messages sent
through the ‘SWIFT’ interbank
messaging system1. The messages
directed that the money be
transferred to private bank
accounts, including personal bank
accounts, of individuals and
financial institutions in Sri Lanka
and the Philippines. The SWIFT
messages contained the credentials
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necessary to authenticate the
transfer requests and appeared to
come from a server in Dhaka used
by the Bank of Bangladesh. The
New York Fed approved five of the
transfers, totaling over $100
million. Later that day, the New
York Fed became suspicious that
such large sums of money would
be transferred to personal accounts
in Sri Lanka and the Philippines,
and flagged the requests for the
Bank of Bangladesh’s review,
including the five requests it had
already approved. But the New
York Fed was unable to make
contact with Bank of Bangladesh
employees because Friday and
Saturday are the Bangladeshi
Though Bank of Bangladesh
employees periodically check
SWIFT messages over the
weekend, malware installed by the
hackers had rendered the bank’s
SWIFT terminal unresponsive and
had disabled a printer set up to
print SWIFT messages. These
issues prevented the Bank of
Bangladesh from retrieving the
messages from the New York Fed
asking the bank to reconfirm the
transactions. When Bank of
Bangladesh employees returned to
work on Sunday, they manually
printed the messages, but by that
time the New Yorkers were off for
their weekend. When the
conflicting weekends were finally
over on Monday, the remaining 30
transfers were cancelled, but the
five transfers approved by the New
York Fed on Thursday, totaling
over $100 million, had already
been processed.
Of those five executed
transactions, only one was flagged
and reversed at its destination in
Sri Lanka, where it was to be
deposited in the account of a newly
formed non-governmental
organisation. The remaining four
transfers, totaling $81 million, were
sent to the Philippines, where they
were deposited in bank accounts
that the Philippine government
alleges were opened in the name of
a local businessman using forged
documents. The funds were then
moved through a local money
transmitter to several destinations:
a local casino (where proceeds
were apparently used to buy casino
chips), an online gambling
company, and points unknown.
Once the funds disappeared into
the casinos the case went cold, as
the Philippines’ anti-money
laundering law exempts casinos
from reporting suspicious activity
and prohibits authorities from
compelling casinos to aid the
investigation. Though authorities
have traced some funds to
gambling junkets and Chinese
nationals Weikang Xu, Kam Sin
Wong, Gao Shu Hua, and Ding Zhi
Ze, these individuals may only be
recipients of a portion of the
criminal proceeds, not perpetrators
of the cyber attack. Despite
investigations and cooperation
between the four countries
involved, officials have been unable
to locate the majority of the funds
or identify the hackers.
Further, the affected parties have
not been entirely cooperative. The
attack has also sparked
recriminations, with Bangladeshi
officials threatening suit and
accusing the New York Fed of
“irregularities,” and the New York
Fed and information security
consultants accusing the Bank of
Bangladesh of failing to comply
with operating procedures and
implementing the most basic cyber
security measures. Atiur Rahman,
the Governor of the Bank of
Bangladesh, resigned on 15 March.
The New York Fed and SWIFT
officials maintain that their systems
were not breached and that the
cause was an internal issue at the
Bank of Bangladesh.
The Bank of Bangladesh may
have been especially vulnerable to
The attack on
the Bank of
by exploiting
but also
human error,
and New
York, and
with relatively
weak AML
hackers because its network did
not have a firewall and used
unsophisticated, second-hand
switches, which prevented the
Bank from isolating the SWIFT
terminal’s network from other
points of entry. And in October
2015, the Bank linked its SWIFT
system to a common payment
platform for commercial banking,
which may have further exposed its
server to attacks (including
‘phishing’ attacks over email). In
any event, the attackers infected as
many as 32 computers on the Bank
of Bangladesh’s system with
malware. According to the cyber
security firm FireEye, Inc., which
the Bank hired to investigate the
matter, the hackers deployed
keylogger software, which registers
strokes on a keyboard, to steal the
Bank of Bangladesh’s SWIFT
credentials. It is unclear whether
the Bank of Bangladesh violated
SWIFT’s security procedures,
which SWIFT maintains are
proprietary and has refused to
Upgrading the banks’
One unsurprising but still urgent
lesson from this crime is that banks
should continue to fortify their
technological defences. The Bank
of Bangladesh’s lack of a firewall is
striking, as is the lack of separation
between the Bank’s SWIFT
terminal and the rest of its
network. But institutions that have
taken those particular precautions
should not get comfortable. As
Reuters reported, SWIFT has told
its customers that the Bangladesh
heist was not an isolated incident
but rather one “of a number of
recent cyber incidents in which
malicious insiders or external
attackers have managed to submit
SWIFT messages from financial
institutions’ back-offices, PCs or
workstations connected to their
local interface to the SWIFT
network.” In addition, FireEye told
Reuters that it “has observed
activity in other financial services
organisations that is likely by the
same threat actor behind the cyber
attack on the Bank of Bangladesh.”
Presumably, at least some of these
incidents involved banks with
more robust protections than those
used by the Bank of Bangladesh.
The vulnerability of other banks is
also indicated by the fact that
SWIFT decided to release a
mandatory security update (‘Access
Alliance’) to the software that
banks use to access the SWIFT
But technical controls are only
part of a robust cyber security
programme, which must also
include administrative controls and
employee training. The attack on
the Bank of Bangladesh succeeded
by exploiting technological
weaknesses, but also human error,
cultural differences between
Bangladesh and New York, and
jurisdictions with relatively weak
AML laws. Accordingly, an effective
cyber security programme must
understand that the territory to
defend extends far beyond software
or hardware vulnerabilities.
Security through compliance:
training for suspicion
The good news is that existing
compliance programmes in other
areas can also serve to bolster cyber
security. In particular, the attack on
the Bank of Bangladesh highlights
the value that AML compliance
can have for cyber security.
Speaking broadly, a functioning
AML programme is designed to
identify suspicious financial
activity, which can be done
through both automated and
manual monitoring systems, and
further analysis and investigation
of suspicious activity2. Even though
the transfer requests from
Bangladesh appeared to be fully
authentic, the New York Fed
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questioned them because the
intended recipients included
personal bank accounts in the
Philippines, which were unlikely to
have a legitimate reason to receive
millions of dollars from
Bangladesh’s central bank. Further,
Deutsche Bank, the routing bank
for one of the transactions to the
Philippines, blocked a transaction
due to money laundering-related
Cyber security benefits from
similar techniques - such as
monitoring a network for
unusually large data uploads or
downloads - and in the banking
business it is not surprising that
the two forms of monitoring
would complement each other.
Tracking anomalous money flows
and data flows may answer similar
questions. Through training and
experience, bankers develop an
AML mindset, and that mindset
can be leveraged to support cyber
security programmes and help
thwart attacks. AML experts
operate on the assumption that
money laundering attempts will
occur, and AML experts learn (and
train others) to detect and
distinguish suspicious activity from
typical, low-risk transactions.
Indeed, it was the money
laundering suspicion raised by
bankers at Deutsche Bank and in
Sri Lanka that allowed bankers to
intercept, and ultimately recover,
millions of dollars before they
reached the hackers’ pockets. Thus,
a strong AML compliance
programme, including robust
transaction monitoring systems
and analysts actively clearing alerts,
may mitigate against a breach once
cyber criminals have gained access
to a bank’s systems.
Filling gaps in international
AML regulation
While many countries have strong
AML regulations, and financial
institutions spend millions of
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dollars on AML compliance,
sophisticated criminals can detect
and exploit the weaknesses that
exist in other countries, as the
Bank of Bangladesh hackers did
with great success. The broad
exemption for casinos in Filipino
law, combined with a readily
available remittance transfer
network, allowed the hackers to
steal tens of millions of dollars and
maintain anonymity. Similarly,
several other countries including
Mexico, Cambodia and India still
exempt casinos from their AML
regulations. And like the
Philippines, these countries are also
well-serviced by remittance
transfer providers. They therefore
may serve as points of opportunity
for future cyber attacks.
Accordingly, it is worth considering
whether to implement new AML
regulations in these countries. The
Philippines Senate has since
amended the AML law to add
casinos to the list of entities
required to report suspicious
activity to the Anti-Money
Laundering Council, and perhaps
other countries’ legislatures should
follow suit. Though technology is
central to a strong cyber security
programme, stronger international
AML laws may also help thwart
future cyber attacks.
activities (including, without limitation, the
ownership, nature, source, location, or
control of such funds or assets) as part
of a plan to violate or evade any Federal
law or regulation or to avoid any
transaction reporting requirement under
Federal law or regulation; (ii) The
transaction is designed to evade any
requirements of this chapter or of any
other regulations promulgated under the
Bank Secrecy Act; or (iii) The transaction
has no business or apparent lawful
purpose or is not the sort in which the
particular customer would normally be
expected to engage, and the bank
knows of no reasonable explanation for
the transaction after examining the
available facts, including the background
and possible purpose of the transaction.’
31 C.F.R. § 1020.320. The Bank
Secrecy Act and its implementing
regulations require financial institutions to
establish AML programs, which at a
minimum must include: the development
of risk-based internal policies,
procedures and controls; designation of
a compliance officer; an ongoing
employee training program; and an
independent audit function to test
programs. See 31 U.S.C. § 5318(h).
Michael L. Yaeger Special Counsel
Melissa G.R. Goldstein Associate
Kimberly G. Monty Associate
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, New York
1. SWIFT is an acronym for the Society
for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunication, a cooperative of
approximately 3,000 financial institutions.
2. Suspicious activity reporting is
required under the Bank Secrecy Act for
any transaction that is conducted or
attempted by, at, or through the bank,
that involves or aggregates at least
$5,000 in funds or other assets, and that
causes the bank to know, suspect, or
have reason to suspect that: ‘(i) The
transaction involves funds derived from
illegal activities or is intended or
conducted in order to hide or disguise
funds or assets derived from illegal