1) April | May 2016
The New Banks – Alternative Lending
With SRZ's leading structured finance lawyers
lternative asset managers are
increasingly meeting needs for finance
that banks, hampered by capital
requirements, multiple layers of regulation
and gargantuan fines, can no longer fulfil.
Indeed, the Basel-based Bank for International
Settlements reported that cross-border lending
in the first half of 2015 plunged by $910 billion,
the largest drop since the crisis-stricken fourth
quarter of 2008. Policymakers, including
governments and central banks, are acutely
aware of the challenges that some firms face in
obtaining finance. Though many governments
and large companies fundraise at historic
lows, palpable gaps are evident in the middle,
smaller and retail markets.
In response, the UK Government has become
a matchmaker and entitled its consultation
‘SME finance: help to match SMEs rejected
for finance with alternative lenders’ while the
Bank of England has a Funding For Lending
scheme to encourage more SME lending.
The Alternative Investment Management
Association (AIMA) has set up an Alternative
Credit Council which has launched a social
housing development fund, plugging another
gap left by governments that have scaled back
this type of spending. The Hedge Fund Journal
has profiled a number of other managers
that are active in direct lending strategies.
Diverse investors
The role of alternative lenders has, out of
necessity, grown post-crisis – but it is not
actually new. Some of the biggest pension
funds have been allocating to direct lending for
decades. Though it is highly unusual amongst
large pension funds in having exited some
hedge fund strategies, CalPERS continues to
allocate to alternative lending, including in
Asia. And it is not only the world’s largest
investors who are accessing this asset class. In
most US states, retail investors can now invest
via what is a relatively new phenomenon –
peer-to-peer lending platforms – and in the
UK these are now eligible for tax-efficient
individual savings accounts (ISAs) used by
retail investors, as are crowdfunding schemes.
Diverse collateral
THFJ interviewed Boris Ziser, Schulte Roth &
Zabel (SRZ) partner and co-head of the firm’s
Structured Finance & Derivatives Group,
who spoke in New York in January 2016 at
SRZ’s 25th Annual Private Investment Funds
Seminar, on a panel entitled ‘Private Funds:
The New Banks’ and Thomas R. Weinberger,
an SRZ Partner in the same practice. We asked
them how SRZ helps borrowers, lenders,
hedge funds, private equity funds and finance
companies to structure deals involving a
diverse array of collateral. This includes
“life settlements, merchant cash advances,
cell towers, timeshares, lottery receivables,
litigation funding and equipment leasing,”
enumerates Ziser. He sits on the Esoteric
Assets Committee of the Structured Finance
Industry Group, and also handles more esoteric
collateral such as intellectual property,
which involves intangible assets like patents,
trademarks and software.
Return targets
High targeted returns, in the mid-to-high teens,
are seen in life settlements (here, readers
may wish to refer to our separate interview on
longevity risk with Ziser and Weinberger). And
“in the merchant cash advance space targeted
returns are also very high,” says Ziser. This
segment, which essentially involves buying
merchants’ receivables at a discount, is similar
to ‘factoring’ on a domestic basis and can
be called ‘forfaiting’ when it entails buying
exporters’ receivables.
One of the fastest growing areas is marketplace
lending online platforms, which can house
a wide-range of loan types, from student or
consumer loans to SME loans, all with a widerange of return and risk profiles. A typical yield
target could be in the region of 9-10% (after
default losses) “but small-dollar consumer
loans can pay a lot more,” says Ziser.
Types of structures
Fund formation lawyers at SRZ wrap lending
strategies in private funds or in public funds,
which can include Business Development
Companies (BDCs). Ziser instead specialises in
secured lending transactions with structures
including securitisations, warehouse facilities,
secured financings and commercial paper
conduits. All of these are backed by assets
or by a stream of cash-flows, but after that
there is no cookie-cutter model for these
deals. Ziser advises on portfolio acquisitions
and dispositions, which can be structured
as forward purchase arrangements. Some
structures can involve a bankruptcy-remote
borrower, which might be owned by an
operating company parent. Others will vary
partly due to tax considerations, which may
include tax treaties.
Term securitisations can be a popular structure,
which typically involve one or two tiers in a
special purpose vehicle. “The motivation for
aggregating assets into a securitisation can be
to free up borrowing capacity on warehouse
lines when coming close to limits,” Ziser
explains. Another attraction of securitisation
can be to reduce funding costs – “if you get
the securitisation rated, costs of funding can
be lower,” Ziser observes. But not every deal
will be a good fit for the securitisation markets
as “you need a large enough pool of assets to
justify a securitisation,” says Ziser.
Regulations and risk retention
These deals can be subject to various types
of banking regulation. “We try to structure
deals in a way that is exempt from Volcker Rule
complications but warehouse deals from banks
can be subject to some levels of regulation. The
granularity varies from deal to deal,” says Ziser.
Structured credit in Europe is already subject
to risk retention rules, and “non-mortgage ABS
in the United States will be covered from late
2016,” says Ziser who expects many issuers
to retain a vertical slice; other SRZ specialists
advise on the niceties of the risk retention rules.
2) April | May 2016
everyone else’s profits, so Breslow does not
expect to see a tail of more than 5-10%.
Whither usury laws: which state’s
Valuation is rarely an explicit requirement
rules apply?transfers of ownership around
for typical
Usury rules are anothertransactions are not
succession. “These type of regulation that
are structured in the They are set by the various
in a state of flux. same way as selling
US states, according to factors includingseed or
minority or controlling interests to the
sizestrategic and the type of borrower, with
of loans investors,” Breslow reveals. Rather,
interest rate thresholds letsfor civil usury,
“a sunset provision set the key person
andcontinue to share in profits on usury.
higher thresholds for criminal a declining
Most direct lending deals are below‘sunsetted’
basis, and in this way they get usury
ceilings of the business,” explains Breslow. This
out or outside the scope of usury laws,
but may imply some do extra due diligence what
investors should probabilistic value on
on those that might be caught in the net. but
is a kind of declining variable annuity,
there is no need to carry out a valuation
“When loans are made, usury laws always have
to be considered,” says Ziser. But risk can be
transferred multiple times: first to platforms,
One reason for this deal structure is
then to investors, and subsequently continuing
optimising tax efficiency for the amongst
investors. UsuryExplains either the borrower’s
employees. laws in Nissenbaum, “Though
a one-off sale of retirees’ ownership could
be advantageous for their estate, because
or the lender’s state will often need toat lower
profits would incur capital gains tax be
observed. The general thinkingnew been that
rates than income tax, if the has owners
“if the loanoutright purchase of interests in
made an complied at origination, then the
transfer of suchthe consideration would not
the business, loans to a non-bank lender
was thought to not as it would beThe Madden
be tax deductible change that.” viewed as
decision reached the in public equity.” SRZ also
like an investment opposite conclusion.
Midland Funding has petitioned the US tax
has specialist teams of industry-leading
Supreme Courtwillhear its on these matters the
lawyers who to advise complaints about
implications the fund formation team.
parallel to of the Madden decision. “Future
legal rulings will determine if state usury laws
become a bigger managers?
Centenarian issue in the space,” says Ziser.
A Though both emergency ruleslonger-term
number of other federal and can also be
relevant. plans should be in place, in
some cases they may not be actioned for
Inmany years or even decades. The absence
the meantime, the most conservative
approach to theseretirement age in the
of a mandatory legal uncertainties could
be to follow a ‘lowest common denominator’
United States – combined with the energy,
approach and ensure that interest rates are
stamina and good health of some people
working in finance – means that a number
of septuagenarian and even octogenarian
inside fund managers are usury ceiling, or that
hedge the lowest US state still going strong.
loan types are nonagenarian and centenarian
The number of outside the scope of usury laws.
A more time-consuming sure to grow.
money managers seems approach could be to
check if interest rates on each loan are inside
Studies including some from the Brookings
the specific ceilings prevailing in that borrower’s
Institute show higher income groups in the
state, extending their lifespans every year.
US arein order to get comfort in the event of
Madden prevailing.
At the other end of the age spectrum, many
successful hedge fund managers could afford
Irrespective of usury laws, alternative lending
to retire almost any time and some choose to
offers potential for investors to target doubledo so in their 40s, making it a more urgent
digit yields
matter. THFJwhile supplying finance that some
companies, and individuals, apparently cannot
obtain anywhere else. THFJ