1) Feb. 12, 2016
by Eric D. Lavers
Patent owners have the right to exclude all others from making, using,
or selling their inventions without first obtaining permission. But what
happens to somebody who lawfully purchases a product or article
that embodies a patented invention? Can the patent owner turn
around and restrict the purchaser’s right to use or sell the item after it
was purchased? In the United States, it turns out that this is allowed.
Sometimes a sale is less than a sale.
The situation most commonly arises in the context of a secondary
repair market for disposable products. For example, a patent owner
sells a patented product to a customer who uses the item until its
useful life has been exhausted. But rather than dispose of the item
at this point, the customer instead sells it to a third party who runs
a business refurbishing used products for resale at discounted prices.
The existence of the secondary market cuts in the patent owner’s sales
of new items.
This is exactly the factual scenario at issue in a recent U.S. court case –
with one significant difference. The patent owner had imposed specific
conditions on what its customers could and couldn’t do with the
item after they were finished using it. In particular, the patent owner
expressly prohibited re-sale to third-party refurbishers.
The case is Lexmark International, Inc. v. Impression Products, Inc., No. 141617 (Fed. Cir. 2015) and the facts are as follows: Lexmark manufactures
and sells disposable printer cartridges that are covered by a number
of patents. Impression Products was buying depleted cartridges from
Lexmark’s original customers and, after some modification, refilling
them for sale to their own customers at discounted prices. Lexmark
objected because Impression apparently knew the original sales were
subject to a single-use/no-resale restriction and sued to stop the
In deciding the case in favour of Lexmark, the Court of Appeals for the
U.S. Federal Circuit affirmed the conditional sale exception it created
almost 25 years earlier. Under the exception, patent owners like Lexmark
are entitled to sell their patented articles subject to express use and/
or re-sale restrictions. Provided they are clearly communicated when
the items are first sold, these restrictions will be valid and enforceable
at a minimum against the original purchaser. Subsequently purchasers
like Impression, who possess actual knowledge of the restrictions, will
likely also be bound to the same terms.
This outcome is a departure from the general rule that anybody who
purchases a product or article covered by patent will be free to re-sell
or make any unrestricted use of the purchased item without fear of
infringing the patent owner’s rights, which are said to be exhausted
through the original authorized sale.
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Not every use/re-sale restriction is enforceable though, such as where
the imposed restriction violates U.S. antitrust law (tied sales, pricefixing, etc.), amounts to misuse of patent rights, or is otherwise illegal.
But provided no underlying law or policy has been violated, use/resale restrictions are generally permissible under the conditional sale
Other countries, including Canada and within the European
Community, have taken a stricter approach to exhaustion of patent
rights. So far only the U.S. recognizes an exception for conditional sales.
The last word rests with the U.S. Supreme Court, which may decide to
weigh in again on the issue of conditional sales in the dispute between
Lexmark and Impression. But until they say otherwise, patent owners
have retained a valuable tool for shaping and controlling the available
markets for their inventions.
This client alert is published by Dickinson Wright LLP to inform our clients and
friends of important developments in the field of intellectual property law. The
content is informational only and does not constitute legal or professional
advice. We encourage you to consult a Dickinson Wright attorney if you have
specific questions or concerns relating to any of the topics covered in here.
Eric D. Lavers is an Of Counsel in Dickinson Wright’s
Toronto office. He can be reached at 416.777.2398 or
Matthew J. Marquardt is a Partner in Dickinson Wright’s
Toronto office. He can be reached at 416.777.2393 or