Market Value Adjustment: LMVA Composite OAS Index Rate - December 2015

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1) Additional Fixed Annuity Information Market Value Adjustment: LMVA Composite OAS Index Rate (LMVA Composite Spread) The following table provides the LMVA Composite Spread used in the calculation of the Market Value Adjustment (MVA) for certain fixed and fixed indexed annuity products. Month Year: 2007* Year: 2008* Year: 2009* Year: 2010 Year: 2011 Year: 2012 Year: 2013 Year: 2014 Year: 2015 Year: 2016 January 0.88% 1.98% 5.55% 1.74% 1.56% 2.34% 1.41% 1.14% 1.30% 1.65% February 0.86% 2.26% 4.81% 1.71% 1.50% 2.07% 1.36% 1.16% 1.36% TBD March 0.85% 2.47% 5.05% 1.73% 1.41% 1.85% 1.37% 1.10% 1.22% TBD April 0.92% 2.89% 5.43% 1.49% 1.42% 1.77% 1.40% 1.05% 1.30% TBD May 0.92% 2.44% 4.39% 1.44% 1.37% 1.86% 1.34% 1.01% 1.28% TBD June 0.90% 2.35% 3.52% 1.84% 1.46% 2.08% 1.31% 1.02% 1.32% TBD July 0.97% 2.65% 3.10% 1.92% 1.55% 2.03% 1.53% 0.99% 1.46% TBD August 1.26% 2.88% 2.56% 1.73% 1.52% 1.80% 1.37% 0.98% 1.53% TBD September 1.45% 3.04% 2.33% 1.84% 2.12% 1.71% 1.40% 1.01% 1.65% TBD October 1.45% 4.41% 2.19% 1.75% 2.36% 1.57% 1.40% 1.12% 1.69% TBD November 1.43% 5.75% 2.04% 1.67% 2.00% 1.38% 1.30% 1.17% 1.59% TBD December 1.93% 6.07% 2.05% 1.69% 2.46% 1.47% 1.25% 1.23% 1.55% TBD * Values shown prior to July 2009 are for historical reference purposes only. TBD = To be determined. The LMVA Composite Spread is published monthly, and applies to contracts issued after July 14, 2009, in states that have approved the following products and Amendatory Endorsements: • Lincoln OptiBlendSM fixed indexed annuity • Lincoln OptiPoint® and Lincoln OptiChoice® fixed indexed annuities: AE-232 ® • Lincoln New Directions fixed indexed annuity: AE-233 • Lincoln Set 5SM and Lincoln Covered ChoiceSM fixed indexed annuities • Lincoln ClassicSolution SM and Lincoln Long-Term CareSM fixed annuities: AE-234 • Lincoln MYGuaranteeSM Plus fixed annuity SM SM Lincoln ClassicSolution (contract form 04-600B, or state variation), Lincoln Long-Term Care (contract form 09-612, or state variation), SM SM Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus (contract form 09-612MY) deferred fixed annuities and Lincoln OptiBlend (contract form 15-619, or state SM ® variation), Lincoln OptiChoice (contract form 05-606, or state variation), Lincoln OptiPoint (contract form 06-610, or state variation), and ® SM SM Lincoln New Directions , Lincoln Set 5 and Lincoln Covered Choice (contract form 94-523, or state variation) deferred fixed indexed annuities are issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN. The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company does not solicit business in the state of New York, nor is it authorized to do so. Contract may be referred to as “certificate” in certain states. The certificate is a group annuity certificate issued under a group annuity contract by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company to a group annuity trust. Contractual obligations are subject to the claims-paying ability of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. Contracts sold in New York are issued by Lincoln Life & Annuity Company of New York, Syracuse, NY. The contractual obligations are subject to the claims-paying ability of Lincoln Life & Annuity Company of New York. Fixed indexed annuities are not available in New York. Product and features subject to state availability. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations. LCN-1266772-080515 12/31/2015 Page 1 of 1